英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you?单元测试卷

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英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you?单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ are your shoes? ( )AWhat sizeBWhich sizeCHow long2 . Sarah is _than Lily. ( )AtallBolderCshort3 . Whats this? ( )_AIts a book.BIts nice.CExcuse me.4 . This is _ farm.AIBmyCme5 . -Is he li Tao? -Yes,he.AamBisCare请选出不同类的单词。6 . AniceBfastCfood7 . AheBsheCmy8 . AnoodlesBmeatCsome9 . AswimBplayingCwatching10 . AreadBbookCpicture11 . How _ are you? Im 1.56 metres.AoldBtallColder12 . This isbook.( )AAmysBAmysCAmys13 . He _ hamburgers.Alike eatBlikes eatingClike to eats14 . Why are you looking at _like that?AIBmineCmyDme15 . Im _ than my mother. ( )AolderBstrongerClonger16 . 我们有一间大教室。( )AWeve got a big classroom.BWeve got a new classroom.17 . 找出与下列句子中画线部分意思相反的一项。( ) 1. Mike doesnt have a big schoolbag.A. small B. tall C. heavy( ) 2. Chen Jie is 157 cm tall.A. small B. thinner C. short( ) 3. This pig is thin.A. big B. long C. fat( ) 4. Im shorter than Mike.A. long B. taller C. tall( ) 5. Johns uncle is old.A. good B. small C. young( ) 6. Her Chinese book is old.A. new B. small C. well( ) 7. Chen Jie is younger and thinner than Liu Yun.A. old and long B. older and taller C. older and fatter( ) 8. Zhang Peng is 70 kg. He is the heaviest one in our class.A. thinnest B. lightest C. shortest( ) 9. Today is hotter than yesterday.A. cold B. colder C. coldest( ) 10. The rabbit runs faster than the turtle.A. slower B. slow C. slowest18 . This is my _. Her name is Lucy. ( )AsisterBbrotherCfather19 . Whats this? ( )_a robot.AThis isBItCIts20 . CanIhelpyou? ( ) _. ASureBYes,itisCIlikethem21 . I often _ with my friends in spring. ( )Ago a picnicBgo on a picnicCgo with a picnic22 . Lucy and Lily _ dancing. ( )AbeBareCis选出不同类的一项。23 . AdaughterBsonCtheir24 . AeightBphotoCfive25 . AnameBmyCyour26 . AsingBsisterChelp27 . AhiBhelloCsister二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Jim and Sam are good friends. Jim is 13 years old. He is two years older than Sam. Sam is 1.6 metres tall and Jim is 1.59 metres tall. Sam is 50 kilograms and Jim is 60 kilograms. They often play games together.28 . Sam is _ years old. ( )A13B11C1029 . Sam is _ than Jim. ( )AtallerBshorterClonger30 . Jim is _ than Sam. ( )AheavierBthinnerCheavy31 . Jim and Sam often _ together. ( )Ago to schoolBplay gamesCgo home三、填空题选择适当的单词,补全句子。fifteen much bought manymuseum32 . Yesterday, he _anew book for me.33 . How _milk do you want?34 . How _bananas do you want?35 . How many faces do you see?We can see _ faces.36 . I went to the British _ last Sunday.37 . 选词填空。wear tired sad cant angry1. - Why _ I see it? -Its under the desk.2. Why do you want to eat more? Because I am _.3. She is crying because she is very _.4. You are very _ now. You cant play sports again.5. It is going to be hot. You can _ a T-shirt.用所给单词的适当形式填空。38 . Look! My classroom is on the _ (one) floor.39 . What time _ (be) it?40 . Is it _ (cloud) in Moscow?41 . There are thirty _ (sheep) at the farm.42 . This is not _ (I) skirt.43 . How much is the_ (scarves)?四、句型转换44 . 按要求完成句子。(1)My birthday is in August. (对画线部分提问)(2)He reads books every day.(改为否定句)(3)I have a book.(改为复数)(4)like, do, which, best, season, you (?)(连词成句)(5)There are some teachers in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)五、匹配题45 . 从栏中选出与栏句子相对应的答语。 ( ) 1. How many chairs are there in your class? A All right.( ) 2. Where is your bag? B No,I didnt.( ) 3. What did you buy? C Thirty chairs.( ) 4. Did you lose your pen? D Its on the floor.( ) 5. Give out the crayons. E I bought a cap.读句子,选答语。A. Hes my friend.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. No, he isnt. Hes my father.D. Yes, she is.E. Shes my grandmother.46 . Is he your teacher? (_)47 . Is she your mother? (_)48 . Whos that woman? (_)49 . Whos that boy?(_)50 . Nice to meet you. (_)六、连词成句连词成句。51 . hasof he a pair glasses (.)_52 . in chairs is bed there bedroom and the a two(.)_53 . short, is, thin, she, and (.)_54 . you Heresacard forChristmas (.)_55 . out tall of A comes house ghost the (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页


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