英语六年级下册Unit 2 Last weekend Part B 练习卷

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英语六年级下册Unit 2 Last weekend Part B 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题Anext weekendBnext SundayClast weekend2 . Does Sam play football on Sundays? ( )_AYea, he does.BNo, he does.CYes, he doesnt3 . You _ me a lot yesterday. ( )AscareBscaredCscary4 . 选出与正文意思相符的单词。( )(1)旅馆A. hotelB. home( )(1)更好的A. well B. better( )(3)台灯 A. lamp B. light( )(4)喧闹的 A. broken B. loud( )(5)电影 A. film B. show5 . I stayedhomeyour grandma. ( )Awith, atBat, withCwith, and二、填空题6 . 填空题1. wrote的原形是_. 2. story的复数形式是_.3. Im的完全形式是_. 4. hot的反义词是_.5. Grimms Fairy Tales的意思是_. 6. This is _(安徒生).7 . Helen Keller was born _ the U.S. _ 1880.三、任务型阅读8 . 阅读理解。We live in the “computer age”People like scientists,teachers,writers and even students use computers to do their work.More than 30 years ago,computers could not do much.They were very big and expensive.Very few people were interested in them.Today computers are smaller and cheaper.As they are useful,many people like to use them.Computers become very important because they can work faster than men and make fewer mistakes.根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。( )(1)We live in the “computer age”( )(2)Computers were popular 30 years ago.( )(3)Computers are smaller and cheaper now.四、英汉混合英汉互译。9 . 西红柿_10 . 马铃薯_11 . 胡萝卜_12 . 豆角_13 . 牛_14 . sheep_15 . horse_16 . snow _17 . goat _18 . animal _五、句型转换19 . 按要求改写句子。1. There were some buses many years ago. (改为否定句)There _ buses many years ago.2. I was in Qingdao two weeks ago. (对画线部分提问) _ you two weeks ago?3. There are some buses now. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) A: _?B: _, _.5. grandparents, in, small, lived, my, a, house (.) (连词成句)_六、匹配题20 . Read and choose 从B中选择合适的答案回答A的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中。A B1. ( ) Lets go the library.AYes, I do.2. ( ) Where is the teachers office?BYes, it is.3. ( ) Do you have lunch at school?CForty-six.4. ( ) How many desks are there in your class?DOK.5. ( ) Is that your pencil?EIts on the first floor.第 4 页 共 4 页


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