英语六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel 单元测试卷

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英语六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . You can see“LOOK RIGHT”on the road in _.( )AChinaBHong KongCthe USA2 . Robin is going to sit on the _this morning.AgrassBdeskCtable3 . 穿暖和的衣服Awear worn clothesBwear warm clothes4 . A: The gloves _ too big. B: Try this _ on.A: All right.Ais; oneBis ; pairCare ; pairDare; one5 . We have dumplings _ Monday. ( )AinBatCon6 . I have_ comic books. ( )Alot ofBlots ofCa lots of7 . Do you know the secret _ good health? ( )AinBonCatDto8 . _your hat! ( )AWearingBWearCWears9 . How Amy feel? ( )AdoesBdoCare10 . You cant buy _ at the vegetable section.( )AlettucesBonionsCcabbageDlemonade二、填空题11 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look! Some children _ (play) football on the playground.2. The weather _ (be) windy this afternoon.3. Hong Kong is a good place. I _ (buy) lots of toys there.4. This baby often _ (cry) at night. Her parents cant sleep well.看图,回答问题。12 . What can you do in April?I can _.13 . Whats the weather like in July?_.三、任务型阅读读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。Many students in Class 2, Grade 5 are not very well today. Their teacher is making a report to the principle. Jim is ill today. He looks very tired, He has a cough(咳嗽) and a fever. He has a sore throat. David is not feeling well. He is ill, too. Linda has a toothache. Tony is not better today. He still has a headache now. Mary has done her homework for a long time. But she is not happy. She has a toothache. Im going to take them to the hospital now. I hope they will be better soon.14 . Many students in Class 2, Grade 6 have a bad cold. (_)15 . Jim is tired. He has a fever and a cough. (_)16 . Linda has a sore throat. (_)17 . Mary is happy. (_)18 . Their teacher wants to take the students to see the doctor. (_)四、判断题19 . 判断画线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“T”不同的用“F”表示。(_) 1. have cake(_) 2. she three(_) 3. cat bag (_) 4. ten desk(_) 5. dog bed五、选内容补全对话20 . Read and choose T or F.(读一读,选一选。)Mom: Mike, Lets go to the park this weekend, OK?Mike: Wow! 1._( On Saturday morning)Mom: Mike, come here, please!Mike: 2._Mom: Your father is ill, 3._Mike: Oh, Im sorry to hear that, 4._Mom: Not well, Lets go to the hospital.21 . 给下面的人物提建议。1. -Hi , Im Jack . Im ill . What should I do ?-_.2. -Hi , Im Peter . Im cold . What should I do ?-_.3. -Hi , Im Simon. I have no strength . What should I do ?-_.4. -Hi , Im Oliver. Im angry . What should I do ?-_.六、书面表达22 . 写作训练每个人都有情绪波动的时候,应该怎样调节情绪呢?快来分享一下你的方法吧!参考词汇:sad, worried, afraid, listen to music, take a deep breath, askfor help参考句型;Are you.or? If your answer iswhat should you do? First, then, next.You should.要求:1.语句通颗,条理清晰。2.不少于50个单词。_七、其他按要求完成句子。23 . teacher, Who, our, is, science, (连词成句)_24 . Is Miss White kind? (做肯定回答)_25 . 我们的数学老师很严格。(翻译句子)_26 . Is your head teacher young?(根据实际回答)_第 6 页 共 6 页

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