英语六年级上册Unit 6 Winter Vacation Lesson 1 练习卷(2)

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英语六年级上册Unit 6 Winter Vacation Lesson 1 练习卷(2)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . My brother likes _ and _. ( )Askate; drawBskating; drawingCskate; drawing选出与众不同的一项。2 . AcomingBgoCsaying3 . AHarbinBChinaCSingapore4 . AheBwhereCwhat5 . AfamousBsadCgo6 . AuncleBcousinCfriend7 . What _ you going to do? ( )AisBare8 . Ill _ you.AshowBshowsCto show9 . There _ many shops and cinemas near the park. ( )AamBisCareDbe二、单词拼写10 . 根据汉语或首字母提示写单词。1. I have a_(游泳) lesson today.2. We want to draw some_ (短裤).3. Whats the matter with t_? 4. Its a f_ day. 5. My f_ hands are so big.Its Sunday 6t_. We dont have 7a_ lessons. My 8f_ and I go to the party at five in the 9a_. Look! Helens dress is so 10n_ and Mikes shirt is 11t_ big. I 12g_ it is his fathers. Su Hai and Su Yang have 13t_ big caps. They are 14a_ very 15h_.写出相应的英语单词。11 . 饺子_12 . 迷_13 . 滑雪_14 . 家庭作业_15 . 家务_三、汉译英汉译英16 . 我打算寒假的时候去哈尔滨。_17 . 我打算去看望我的爷爷奶奶。_18 . 我打算去图书馆学习。_19 . 我打算和父母一起去北京。_四、连线题20 . 英汉连线。1 .a red pencilA我的房子2. my horseB拿一把雨伞3. my houseC一支红色的铅笔4. bring. toD我的马5. get an umbrellaE把带到第 3 页 共 3 页

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