英语五年级下册Lesson 10 练习卷

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英语五年级下册Lesson 10 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Shelooksbeautiful _ thereddress. ( )AinBonCfor2 . _ the way to school, Ann sees many flowers. ( )AOnBInCFrom选出每组中不同类的单词。3 . AuncleBbasketballCaunt4 . AherBhisCparents5 . AbathroomBkitchenCsofa6 . AcandyBfloorCwall7 . AfriendlyBquietChat8 . Pandas and Whales are _danger nowadays. ( )AunderBonCin9 . Lets go_ .AboatBboatingCa boatDboats二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Kitty is a lovely girl. Today she goes to Shiiazhuang to visit her aunt. There are so many hotels and restaurants in Shijiazhuang. She cant find the way to her aunts house. She is lost. There are too many buses and cars. She feels afraid. A policeman tells (告诉) Kitty how to get to her aunts house. Kitty says “thank you” and then she gets there safely (安全地). Both(两者都) Kitty and her aunt are happy.10 . Kitty goes to visit her _. ( )AauntBgrandmaCsister11 . Kitty is lost. She feels _. ( )AafraidBhappyCexcited12 . Who helps Kitty get to her aunts house? ( )AA cat.BA policeman.CHer aunt.13 . Does Kitty get to her aunts house safely? ( )ANo, she doesnt.BWe dont know.CYes, she does.14 . Are Kitty and her aunt happy? ( )AYes, they are.BWe dont know.CNo, they arent.三、填空题15 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I dont feel _ (good). I want to see a doctor this afternoon.2. We became _ (excited) when we heard the good news.3. _ (be) Helen good at _ (dance)? Yes, she _.4. Dont _ (wake) him up. He is very tired.5. My father let me _ (go) first.6. Liu Tao_ (say) to me last Sunday.7. The woman was very _. She was crying _.(sad)四、匹配题16 . 读句子,选出正确的答语。ATurn left at the crossing. BIts near the hospital.CIts under the tree.DNo, there isntEShe is watching TV.1.What is Lily you doing?_2.Where is the cinema?_3.How can we get to the post office?_4.Is there a library near here?_5.Where is my cat?_五、看图题17 . 根据图片的意思把单词补充完整: h_t六、音标题18 . 划线部分读音相同的写(T),不同的写(F) (_)1.left next(_)2. comic go(_)3. by ferry(_)4.visit film(_)5. ask traffic七、连词成句连词成句我最棒。19 . yellow It is (.)_20 . is And this black (.)_21 . is a It city clean (.)_22 . a is way This good (.)_23 . is this What colour balloon (?)_第 4 页 共 4 页

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