英语五年级上册Module 7 单元测试卷1

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英语五年级上册Module 7 单元测试卷1_第1页
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英语五年级上册Module 7 单元测试卷1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . abox. ( )AItsBItsCIt2 . Can you sit down? ( )AYes, I can.BYes, I do.CNo, I arent.3 . He only _ to play. ( )AwantsBwantCwantingDwantes4 . I like the computer. It is very_. ( )AusefulBbadCwell5 . Their mothers oftenthem.( )AhelpsBhelpingChelperDhelp二、填空题6 . This is _ (Peter) school.三、改错改错。7 . Its timetoclass, Liu Tao.(_)_A B C8 . Whatstime is it? (_)_A BIts eight oclock. C9 . Hurry up! Its time for go to school. (_)_A B C10 . What is these?(_)_AThey arecakes. B C四、连词成句连词成句,注意标点提示。11 . readbooks sometrees about to going are we (.)_12 . friends somefor to cards want I make my (.) _13 . likes Tom does like doing what he running (? ) _14 . school Here my is (.) _15 . birthdayisyour when (?) _五、连线题16 . 配对。(_)1.Aapple(_)2.Bbanana(_)3.Corange(_)4.Dnuts(_)5. E. pear第 3 页 共 3 页

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