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英语二年级上册专项训练:字母与词汇姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 英文中一共有个字母。( )A26B25C242 . 挑战你的眼力:找出发音不同的一个单词。( ) 1. A. teacher B. head C. meat D. read来源:学*科*网( ) 2.A. cold B. doctor C. body D. bottle( ) 3.A. race B. cake C. made D. cat( ) 4. A. desk B. help C. September D. hen( ) 5. A. how B. snow C. know D. show3 . The _ is crossing the busy road.Apassenger BvictimCpedestrianDvehicle4 . 书写时占下两格的字母是_.( )AiBgCfDh5 . 书写时占三格的字母是_. ( )AfBiCgDh6 . We can eat with _. ( )Aa knife and forkBa chopstickCchopstick7 . 两笔写成的小写字母是_. ( )AuBxCv给下列单词选择正确的中文翻译。8 . small ( )A大的B小的9 . zoo ( )A动物园B公园10 . long ( )A短的B长的11 . strong ( )A强壮的B虚弱的12 . go ( )A来B去二、填空题根据中英文提示,每空填一词。13 . You may never be another Hemingway(海明威), but you can learn to _(写) well.14 . We saw many _ (鹦鹉) just now.15 . Seven years ago, Jim _ (work) hard at school.16 . My mother likes _ (read) newspapers every day.17 . We are going to watch _ (烟花).18 . We should love and _ (保护) our Earth.19 . My sister wants to go _ (swim).20 . How about _ (watch) a film, Lucy?三、匹配题Read and choose.(根据描述选一选正确的交通工具。)ABCDEF21 . I go to the park by subway. (_)22 . I go to the USA by plane. (_)23 . I go to Dalian by ship. (_)24 . I go to Beijing by bus. (_)25 . I go to the cinema by taxi. (_)26 . I go to Hainan by train. (_)选择正确的图片ABCDEF27 . dog(_)28 . cat(_)29 . mouse(_)30 . bird(_)31 . frog (_)32 . fish(_)四、看图题33 . Look and write words.认识动物。_五、字母题34 . Look and matchAfFyNmMaYn六、连线题35 . 把英文与汉语意思连起来。1. see the monkeysA礼品商店2. drive to Hippo PoolB开车去河马池3. ride through Lion LandC看猴子4. come to meD在夜里5. at nightE驶过狮子乐园6. during the dayF向我走来7. turn over boatsG吃植物8. the gift shop H.藏在草里9. eat plants I.翻船10. hide in the grass J.在白天第 5 页 共 5 页

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