英语二年级上册Module 5单元测试卷

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英语二年级上册Module 5单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ you like the music, _? ( )AAre; childrenBDo; childrenCDo; childs2 . -Did you buy Lily a present? ( )-No._AI dontBI didntCI did3 . What is this? ( )It is orange.AanBaC4 . Shes talking _the students, _theyre talking about very loudly. ( )Awith, andBto, butCof, butDon, and5 . Tomorrowwill _ hot. ( )AisBareCbe二、情景交际6 . 介绍你自己是李林,你可以说:( )AHello.BIm Li Lin.7 . 如果你想说自己七岁了,应该说:“_” ( )AI am sevenBYoure seven.CIts seven.8 . 当有人询问你的爱好时,你可回答:AI like making kites.BI read newspapers every day.9 . 这是一棵高树。AThats a tall tree. BThats a short tree. 三、填空题读句子,选择适当的单词填空。10 . Hes _ (make / making) a birthday cake.11 . When is _ (you / your) friends birthday?12 . Chinas National Day is _ (at / in) October.13 . When is Lilys_ (grandma /grandmas) birthday?14 . There are _ (nine /ninth) people in my family.15 . 选择合适的单词,并用适当的形式补全短文。turn post office next to his getI have a friend. _ name is Mike. Next Sunday is his birthday. Im going to send him a postcard. So Im going to the _this afternoon. Its _ the museum. I will take the No.25 bus. And _ off at the shoe store. Then _ left and go straight. I will see the post office.16 . 根据句意或括号中的英文提示或图片提示,在每个空格处填写一个适当的单词1. The elephant is h_ than the dog. 2. I _ some tasty food.3. _中文:(_)4. What do you _(do) at weekends?5. The _ are working very hard in the office. (secretary)6. He is _, but his little brother is short.17 . 用所给词的适当形式填空:She has _ (get) some Chinese chopsticks.18 . 写出字母的左右邻居_Dd_ _Mm_ _Qq _ _Tt_ _Ww_词汇检测19 . Summer is the s_ season of the year.20 . The baby bear stands _ the father bear and the mother bear.21 . They are new here. Please show_(they) around.22 . Billy _(do) want any juice.23 . Its time_ (have) breakfast.24 . Hes _(real) tired today.25 . There are some_(工厂) workers over there.26 . We can see_(兔子) in the forest.27 . In winter, water _( 变成) to ice.28 . Look at the fishs_(身体). They are big.四、判断题29 . (1)She likes dancing( )(2)售货员会这样对埃米的妈妈说: Can you help me? ( )(3)My mother is a nurse.( )五、选内容补全对话30 . 情景运用。选择正确的句子,补全下面对话,并将字母序号填在横线上AAre you all rightBWhere did you goCI fell off my bike last SaturdayDYes,we did.EDid you go to TurpanAmy:What happened?John:1._and hurt my fooot.Amy:Thats too bad! 2._?John:Im OK now.Come and look at my photos from the Childrens Day.Amy: 3._?John:Mt.Tianshan,Xinjiang.I rode a horse.Look,its very small!Amy:Oh,yes It looks like a mule! 4._?John: 5._.We saw lots of grapes there,but we couldnt eat them.They wont be ready till August.31 . Look and circle.Girl: Sandy, _ (what/ who) do you like?Boy: I like meat. _ (Do/ Does) you like meat?Girl: _ (No/ Yes), I dont.Boy: What do you like?Girl: I like noodles.Boy: I like noodles, _ (too/ to).六、匹配题给句子选择合适的图片。A. B. C. D. E. 32 . Its my birthday gift. (_)33 . This is a new sweater. (_)34 . I like this big apple. (_)35 . These are old trousers. (_)36 . This is a new skirt. (_)第 5 页 共 5 页

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