英语二年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Does he play the piano练习卷

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英语二年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Does he play the piano练习卷_第1页
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英语二年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Does he play the piano练习卷_第3页
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英语二年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Does he play the piano练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _, it isnt. ( )ANoBYes2 . -_ you collect stamps? -No,I dont.ADoesBDoCDid3 . Does he _? ( )Ateach you EnglishBteach English youCteaches you English4 . Look _. Here _ the bus. ( ) Afor, comeBfor, comesCout, comes5 . What _ does Daming want to teach? ( )He wants to teach English.AsubjectBclassClessons6 . _ you often _ games after school? ( )AAre; playBDo; playCDo; plays7 . There are beautiful trees and flowers in the _. ( )Atrain stationBbookstoreCpark8 . Is this Cathys coat? ( ) _ANo, they arent.BYes, they are.CNo, it isnt.二、填空题9 . 我的哥哥喜欢音乐。My brother _ (like/likes) music.10 . 艾米弹钢琴吗?_ (Does/ Do) Amy play the piano?11 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He is_ (fly) to China now. 2. There are many_ (country) in Asia. 3. I like_ (write) stories in English. 4. Dont_ (talk) in class. 5. I_ (watch) a film with my parents yesterday.三、改错12 . Read and choose the wrong one:I have dinner for my parents at the weekend. (_)ABC13 . Read and choose the wrong one:Do you likewatch TV? (_)A B C选出句中错误的一项,并改正。14 . Pleased be mypen friend. (_)_A B C15 . We can writein English and China. (_)_A B C16 . Do you like sing songs? Yes, I do.(_)_A B C17 . Can you sayswhatI can say? (_)_A B C四、匹配题18 . 给下列对话选择相应的图片。(_) 1. -What do you like? -I like my sunglasses.A(_) 2. -What do you do on Sundays? -I play football.B(_) 3. -What are these? -They are my shoes.C(_) 4. -How about Sam? -He goes swimming.D(_) 5. -Where do you live? -I live in Shanghai.E19 . 看图,读句子,选择与句意相符的图,将字母标号填入括号。(_) 1. My uncle is a worker. (_) 2. I want to be a scientist.(_) 3. A teacher teaches at school. (_) 4. I will take ballet lessons.(_) 5. My father will get gifts on Fathers Day.(_) 6. I will go shopping with my mum tomorrow.ABCDEF第 5 页 共 5 页

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