英语二年级上册Module 5 单元测试卷

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英语二年级上册Module 5 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . We eat _ at 7:00 in the morning. ( )AbreakfastBlunchCdinner2 . 选出不同类的一项( )AgreenBcatCdog3 . Its nine _. ( )AoclockBclockCmorning4 . The sofa is in the . ( )AbathroomBkitchenCliving room5 . Tim likes_, so he has bad teeth. ( )Aeat sweetsBeating fruitCeating sweetsDeat fruit二、情景交际6 . 当你想送别人一件礼物时,应说:_ ( )AGive me a present.BHeres a present for you.7 . 刘涛想告诉别人他喜欢画画,他可以说:( )AI like drawing.BCan you draw?CYes, I can.8 . 当你想表达你在画画时,你应说:_ ( )AIm drawingBI like drawing.9 . 当你想让别人看你的小汽车时,你应该说: ( )AThis is my car.BLook at my car.CThat is my car.10 . 你做错了事,你可以说:( )AThank you.BSorry.三、判断题11 . Think and write(T)or(F): climbed mountains (_)判断下列句子或对话与所给图片是(T)否(F)相符。12 . What are you doing, Tom? Im watching TV. (_)13 . Look, the boy is playing basketball. (_)14 . The children are playing with the toy train. (_)15 . She is listening to music. (_)16 . The boy is running in the playground. (_)17 . 判断题1.Its time for English class.Lets read ABA(_)2.Its time for P.Bclass.Lets jump and run.(_)3.Go to the playground.Play football. (_)4.We have a big library in our school. (_)5.He is in the art room. (_)18 . 读一读,句子是否符合图意,相符的打T,不符的打F:Amy is talking to her friend. (_)19 . 判断题。(_) 1. The children cannot play on his garden.(_) 2. He is very happily.(_) 3. The giant looks at his garden and feels sad.(_) 4. They are come through a hole.(_) 5. Miss Spring never come late again.(_) 6. He is not kind with children.四、选内容补全对话20 . 补全对话。Mike: 1. _Wu Yifan: Im in London.Mike: 2. _Wu Yifan: Its 12 at noon. 3. _Mike: Im in Beijing. 4. _ 5. _Wu Yifan: Goodbye.Mike: Bye.AI can watch TV.BIts 8 p.m.CWhere are you?DIm eating lunch.EWhat time is it?五、匹配题21 . 选出与下列图片相符的句子。1. (_) 2. (_) 3. (_)4. (_) 5. (_)AHe can swim really well.BHe can play football well.CHe can jump high.DHe can run really fast.EShe can ride the bike well.六、字母题22 . 写出下面字母相应的大写或小写A _ D_ c_ B_把下列字母组合进行大小写互换。23 . BBC _24 . CAD _25 . aCD _26 . xyz _27 . XO _28 . yo-yo _第 5 页 共 5 页

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