英语二年级上册Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas 练习卷(1)

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英语二年级上册Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas 练习卷(1)_第1页
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英语二年级上册Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas 练习卷(1)_第3页
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英语二年级上册Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas 练习卷(1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Does Linda have a Christmas tree? No, _. ( )Ahe doesntBshe doesntCshe does2 . I like peanuts.A、Oh, I see.B、Here you are.C、Oh, thank you.3 . Does Lily eat peanut at the Christmas!( )A、Yes, she doesB、No, she doesnt.4 . _ Christmas! ( )AMerryBmerryChappy根据图片选单词。5 . ( )AcoolBcoldCwarm6 . ( )AbreakfastBlunchCdinner7 . ( )Ago homeBgo to schoolCget up8 . ( )AhotBwarmCcold9 . ( )AclassroomBlibraryCteachers office读一读, 选出每组中不同类的一项。10 . AseeBdoCplayDred11 . ATuesdayBtodayCMondayDSunday12 . AdoBcleanCdeskDsweep13 . AtomatoBpotatoCcarrotDgrape14 . AonBinCyellowDunder二、连词成句15 . 连词成句:a film, he, watched, yesterday (.)_三、连线题16 . Look and match.1. Lets dance.A我的书在哪里?2. We like tigers.B我们喜欢老虎。3. Wheres my book?C让我们玩你的娃娃吧!4. Lets play with your doll.D起立!5. Stand up!E让我们一起跳舞。第 3 页 共 3 页

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