英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears单元测试卷A

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英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears单元测试卷A_第1页
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英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears单元测试卷A姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . - Have some more? ( )-_ANo, I can.BNo, thank you.CHi.2 . 在饭桌上,你让别人随便吃,应该怎么说:( )AHelp yourself.BLet me show you.CYoure welcome.3 . Here _ are. ( )AyouBIChe4 . any rice in the bowl?( )AAre thereBThere isntCIs there选出不同类的一项。5 . AbreakfastBlunchCeggplant6 . AmommyBSaturdayCSunday7 . AoftenBalwaysCweekend8 . AfatherBmumCfriend9 . Id like some _.Arices and beefBrice and beefsCrice and beef二、任务型阅读根据图表内容,判断正“T”误“F”。Fruit NameJohnSarahAmyBai LingMike10 . John likes strawberries, pears and bananas. (_)11 . Sarah doesnt like(不喜欢) grapes. (_)12 . Amy likes oranges, pears and apples. (_)13 . Bai Ling likes bananas, grapes and watermelons. (_)14 . Mike likes oranges and apples. (_)三、匹配题15 . 选出与句意相符的图片。(_) 1. This is a ruler.A(_) 2. Is this your eraser?B(_) 3. There are two eggs.C(_) 4. How many apples?D(_) 5. On the table.E16 . 看一看,读一读,选择与文字相符合的图片。把所选择答案的字母代号填入题前的括号内。ABCDE(_) 1fan (_) 2phone(_) 3key (_) 4cook(_) 5football playerFGH.I. J. (_) 6This is my baby brother.(_) 7The dog is in the bathroom.(_) 8Pass me the fork please.(_) 9The ball is on the chair. (_) 10My friend has glasses.17 . 请从栏中找出I栏中句子的答语。I (_)Good morning.AIts a duck.(_)How are you?BGood morning.(_)What colour is it?CIm fine. Thank you.(_)Whats that?DIm five.(_)Is this a bird?ENo, it isnt.(_)How old are you?FIts black and white.四、连词成句18 . 连词成句。1. your touch nose (.)_2. me your show red eraser (.)_3. like I hot dog (.)_4. birthday to Happy you (.)_5. are How you old (?)_第 5 页 共 5 页

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