英语三年级上册Module3 Unit 1 Point to the door.练习卷

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英语三年级上册Module3 Unit 1 Point to the door.练习卷_第1页
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英语三年级上册Module3 Unit 1 Point to the door.练习卷_第3页
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英语三年级上册Module3 Unit 1 Point to the door.练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Whats your _? ( )Tweet, tweet.AnameBwindowCbird2 . Whats the time ?Its.Ahalf past sevenBseven past halfCseven oclock half3 . What would you like for lunch? ( )_.AI like breadBHelp yourselfCId like some bread4 . Do you use chopsticks in the UK? No,_Awe doBwe dontCyou do二、情景交际5 . 当你的朋友到你家做客时,你可以说:_ ( )ASit down, please.BGoodbye.三、英译汉6 . 将下列句子译成汉语。(1)This is my English teacher.(2) Im a boy.(3) Its on the desk.(4) Point to her nose.(5)Its blue.四、判断题7 . 判断题(_)1. Its eyes are big. (_)2. It can fly. (_)3. It can swim. (_)4. It is big. (_)5. Its tail is short. 五、匹配题8 . 请找出下面句子中的中文意思,将其编号写在前面的括号里。( )1.Touch the ground.A跺跺你的脚。( )2.Whats your name?B打开你的铅笔盒。( )3.Stamp your foot.C摸地板。( )4.Open your pencil-box.D你叫什么名字?( )5.Turn around.E转个圈。( )6.Sit down.F摇摇你的身体。( )7.Show me your black crayon. G摸摸你的头。( )8.Wave your arms.H坐下。( )9.Shake your body.I挥挥你的手臂。( )10.Touch your head.J让我看看你黑色的蜡笔。第 3 页 共 3 页

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