英语三年级上册Module 6单元测试卷

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英语三年级上册Module 6单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This is Amy. ( )AspeakBspeakingCto speak2 . They hadat Peters birthday party. ( )Agreat timeBgreat funCa great fun3 . Dont _. ( )AworriedBworryCworries4 . You can get _at the Zoo Station. ( )AofBonCdown5 . I have an_.( )AeraserBrulerCpen6 . I can go to the shopsome sweets. ( )AofBforCto7 . He is _fast. ( )ArunningBruningCrun8 . There are some _ in London. Ill visit them. ( )ArestaurantBshopsCmuseums9 . I _ a big mouth. My friend _ a small nose. ( )Ahave; hasBhave; haveChas; has10 . This is _English girl. ( )AanBaC/二、单词拼写11 . I _(经常)visit my grandpa at weekends.根据首字母提示填空。12 . It is s_ today. Lets fly kites in the park.13 . Dont forget to b_ your books, Jack.14 . It is too w_ to go out by bike.15 . The weather b_ rainy then.16 . Look! There are many black c_ in the sky.17 . Ben is very h_. He wanted to have some cakes.18 . Whats the w_ like today?19 . We didnt bring any raincoats or umbrellas. So were w_.20 . 从方框中圈出正确的单词并写出其汉语意思:o w i d e i c t_21 . 根据汉语提示写出下列单词。1. I will go to middle school, so I am very _ (激动的).2. We are good friends. Lets help _ (互相).3. My favourite subjects are _ (物理)and _ (化学).4. Shall we visit Shanghai this _ (9月)?22 . This is a _ (尺子) .23 . 圈出相应的字母mother father me grandmother grandfatherq v d c m o t h e r r n o s ej k u i o b y e f f a t h e rn y n e r e a d m e d r a y eg gr a n d f a t h e r r v bl k g r a n d m o t h e r e r三、英译汉24 . 翻译句子。1. Shes thin. _2. Hes my friend. _25 . 英译汉:Can I help you?_26 . 写出下列句子的意思。1. Students will have a picnic every month._2. Id like to study online. _四、改错27 . 改错题。1. Today is sunday._改为_2. A boy is cry._改为_3. I see her yesterday._改为_4. Thank you in your help._改为_下列句子中均有一处错误,请选出来并改正28 . We washungryand thirsty. (_)_A B C29 . We sawlots ofmountain. (_)_A B C30 . Do you wash your clothes last night? (_)_A B C31 . Did you tookToms football?(_)_A B C32 . She playedaflute. (_)_A B C33 . 我是小神医。(_) 1. What doyoudolast weekend? _A B C D(_) 2. Wegoswimmingyesterday. _A B C D(_) 3. Do you listen to music last weekend? _A B C D(_) 4. IwatchTVyesterday. _A B C D(_) 5. He goestoschoolyesterday. _A B C D34 . 改正对话(有5处错误请修改)。A: This is my bag. B: Whats at your bag? A: There are thirteen strawberry. B: Do you have a orange? A: Of course. B: And how much apples are there?A: There is twenty.35 . 改错:What do you do last weekend? _五、连线题36 . 连线。(1) Is Fangfang naughty?AYes, he does.(2) What does the report say?BThere are one hundred.(3) How many pandas are there at the zoo? CLi Ying is very good at school.(4) Dose he work hard at school?DNo, she isnt.(5) Are there many subjects (科目) in your school?EYes, there are.第 6 页 共 6 页

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