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六年级下册期末考试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I _ like onions. Theyre smelly(难闻的). ( )AdontBamCdoesnt2 . Therea big music room. ( )AisBareCmany3 . _ ice cream for me. ( )AAnBACThe4 . ( )What _ you suggest?AareBdoesCdo5 . The twins have a lesson every Sunday. ( )AswimingBswimmingCswim6 . I will newspapers. ( )AreadingBreadCreads7 . Its late. _, please. ( )AWake her upBWake she upCWake up her8 . 选择重读正确的一项:( )AtomorrowBhappyCdinner选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项。9 . make( )AcakeBcanCmany10 . my( )AfamilyBfactoryCfly11 . young( )AtryByellowCsky12 . like( )AhighBliveCfilm13 . noon( )AroomBfloorCgood14 . Chinese( )AEnglishBwinterCsmile15 . Can you _ for me ,please? ( )Apicked upBpicked them upCpick them upDpicking them up二、填空题根据首字母提示,写出相对应的单词。16 . Its very c_. Heres your j_.17 . These are some b_ on the river. Lets go b_.18 . Its a c_ autumn. Lets go camping on Sunday.19 . W_ football is this? Its my football.20 . Lets go s_. Good idea.三、阅读回答问题阅读下面的表格,并用英语数字回答问题。Class 3Class 439 children43 children21 boys21 boys18 girls22 girls20 computers30 computers21 . How many children are there in Class 3?_22 . How many boys are there in Class 3?_23 . How many girls are there in Class 4?_24 . How many girls are there in Class 3?_25 . How many computers are there in Class 4?_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成所给任务。Everybody knows that a favourite food of Americans is the hamburger. The best place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant. In these restaurants, people order(点菜) their food and wait just a few (几个)minutes, then the food is ready and they can eat the fast food. They can also eat the fast food in the restaurant, at home, at work, or in the park. There are lots of fast food in such restaurants. There are hamburgers, fish, chicken, sandwiches, drinks and so on. Now there are fastfood restaurants in many countries all over the world.26 . Americans favourite food is the _.27 . The best place to buy a hamburger is _.28 . They _ also eat the fast food at home.29 . These fastfood restaurants are in many countries _ the world.30 . People have to wait _ after ordering.五、判断题判断下列句子的语调,升调的写“T”,降调的写“F”。31 . The lion got out. (_)32 . Open the door, please. (_)33 . Can you play table tennis? (_)34 . Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. (_)35 . Who woke you up this morning? (_)36 . Im good at Chinese. (_)六、连词成句37 . 书面表达。妈妈和一个网友Lily在网上聊天,妈妈询问对方的爱好,职业,上班地点,上班方式以及这个周末的安排,请将她们的聊天内容写下来。(要求对话内容完整,语句通顺)_七、其他按要求变换句子。38 . He often flies kites on weekends.(改为含有next week的句子)_39 . Mike dont like eat eggs.(写出正确的句子)_40 . My cousin often draws cartoons on Saturdays.(改为一般疑问句)_41 . We are going to the cinema this evening.(改为用when提问的句子)_42 . must, to, the, pay, traffic, attention, I, lights (.)(连词成句)_按字母表的顺序默写字母Ff-Mn,并抄写句子。43 . _44 . The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming._45 . 按要求完成句子。1. bananas, buy, Lets, some, (.) 连词成句_2. like, Do, oranges, you, (?) 连词成句_3. (看图补全对话)-Do you like _? -No, _. I like_.4. (看图补全对话)-Do you like _? -No, _. I like_.第 6 页 共 6 页

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