英语三年级上册Module 8单元测试卷

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英语三年级上册Module 8单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -What are those? ( )-Theyre.AapplesBappleCan apple2 . I _goingtogoswimmingOn Sunday. ( )AisBam3 . ( ) (3)当你想赞美别人的短裙好看时,你可以说:AHow nice.BThank you.CYes, please.4 . Mike can play football very _. ( )AgoodBwellCbeautiful5 . -Is he _? ( )-Yes.AcomingBcomesCcome6 . This _ John.AisBareCam7 . _do you do your homework?( )At five in the afternoon.AWhatBWhereCWhen8 . -Does your sister like cabbages?- Yes, she _.AamBcanCdoes9 . How many _ are there _ a year? ( )Aseason; inBseasons; inCseason; onDseasons; on10 . Im a little hungry, Mom. ( )There are some cakes on the plate. You can take _.AitBthisCthatDone11 . A: What _ you _, Li Tao? ( )B: I like monkeys.Ado.likesBdoes.likesCdo.likeDdoes.like12 . _( )I want a book.ACan I help you?BDo you have a book?CYes,I do. 二、填空题13 . 阅读短文,将所给的词填入文中恰当的位置,使文章完整通顺。looked at happy food give camelooked at happy food give cameOnce upon a time, there was a dog. He guarded (看守) houses for a family. He had food every day. He was (1) _. One day, a wolf (2) _. “Im hungry. I cant find (3) _,” said the wolf. “Come and help me,” said the dog. “Help me, and the owner (主人) will (4) _ you food every day.”The wolf (5) _ the dog. He said, “I wont go with you. Because I like freedom (自由).”三、英译汉14 . Read and translate: Ive got some orange juice. _翻译下列句子。15 . Are there any monkeys here?_16 . Can I ask a question?_17 . How many boys?_18 . We have got many friends in China._翻译下列句子。19 . Good morning, boys and girls. _20 . Please stand up, Daming. _21 . Hello, bird. Whats your name?_22 . Point to the blackboard. _23 . Please sit down. _24 . 翻译下列句子。1. Toms friend invited him to a big party。_2. He felt cold and had a headache._3. Water is good for me. Water is my medicine._4. Does she have a headache?_四、改错选出每句中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。25 . Here is some presentsfor you.(_)_ABC26 . You can see lots of presenton the table. (_)_AB C27 . Does Tom eats peanuts at Christmas? (_)_ABC28 . Its not the Spring Festival now. (_)_ABC改错。29 . My sister likesmake clothes for the dolls. (_)_A B C30 . He does well on playing football and basketball. (_)_A B C31 . How do Helen feel? She feels better now. (_)_A B C32 . Does your mother go to the bookshop on bus? (_)_A B C33 . We want drink some warmwater. (_)_A B C找出一处错误并改正。34 . I are nine. _35 . What are this? _36 . Its an pen. _37 . Heres you present. _38 . Stand up, 2, 4 are 10. _选出错误的一项并改正。39 . I want to writing a message. 改正:_A B40 . I will to miss you forever. 改正:_A B41 . Shearemy best friend. 改正:_A B42 . I bought himlot of apples. 改正:_A B43 . Good luck ofthe future! 改正:_A B44 . 找出错误的一项并改正。(_)1. ImfromUK._A B C(_)2. Nice to see you, to._A B C(_)3. HeisI friend._A B C(_)4. Whereisyou from?_A B C(_)5. This is John. Shes a student._A B C五、连线题45 . Read and match.1. Does he live in New York?A杭州在中国的东边。2. Maybe you can visit your cousin.B或许你可以拜访你的表兄。3. His grandparents live in the east of China.C他住在纽约吗?4. Hangzhou is in the east of ChinaD他的外祖父母在在中国东部。第 6 页 共 6 页


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