英语三年级 Lesson 4 What’s your name 单元测试卷

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英语三年级 Lesson 4 What’s your name 单元测试卷_第1页
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英语三年级 Lesson 4 Whats your name 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ a table tennis club in our school. ( )AisBareChave2 . They want _ about this country before the lessons. ( )Ato find outBfound outCfind out3 . Nice to meet you. ( )A很高兴遇到你。B你好吗?4 . Ill bring _ orange juice.( )Aa piece ofBa bar ofCa bottle of5 . She is_. ( )AMiss LiBmiss LiCMiss li6 . Come and _ my birthday gifts. ( )AlookBhave a lookChave a look at7 . ThisisMr. Wang.Heisfrom_.( )AtheUSBAmericanCUSA二、情景交际8 . 当东东告诉大家自己的姓名时,他可以说:( )AHello, Dongdong.BMy name is Dongdong.9 . 当你的朋友初次把你介绍给别人认识时,你应该说:_( )ANice to meet you again.BWhere have you been?CHow do you do?10 . 当你想知道对方名字时,你应说:( )AWhats your name?BHow old are you?CHow are you?11 . 你想告诉别人你非常喜欢这个公园,应该说:_ ( )AI often read books in this park.BI like this park very much.12 . 老师让大家过来,可以说:_( )AComehere,children!BHerecome,children!三、填空题13 . 用 am, is, are 填空。1. -Who_ you? -I _ Tim. 2. - _ this a tree? -No, it _ not. 3.How old _ your friend? She _ eight. 4. Two fat boys _ in the rain.四、判断题14 . Look and write(T)or(F):Point to the door. (_)五、看图题根据所给的图片回答问题。15 . What season is it now?_16 . Why do you like spring?_17 . Whats the weather like?_18 . Can you make a snowman now?_19 . Is it windy?_六、字母题请在括号内写出下列字母的大写或是小写。20 . K(_)21 . g(_)22 . a(_)23 . D(_)24 . E (_)25 . h(_)26 . I(_)27 . j(_)28 . B(_)第 4 页 共 4 页

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