英语一年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷

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英语一年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。1 . AwhiteBgreenCcolour2 . AshirtBblueCsweater3 . AyoursBmyCmine4 . AwhoseBwhoCweather5 . AshopBcoatCsock6 . AschoolBskirtCfarm7 . The _ can swim in the water. ( )AcatBfishCbird8 . sheep( )ABC9 . I go to school on _ .AMonday BSundays选出每组中不同类的一项。10 . AbrotherBTimCgrandpa11 . AheBsheCmother12 . AfamilyBfatherCgrandma13 . AmotherBsisterCMiss Li14 . AisBthisCam15 . AgoodBIChe二、情景交际16 . 你想嘱咐别人“小心!”,你应该说:_ ( )ABe quiet!BBe careful!17 . 你看到一个香蕉,你应该说:( )AIts a banana.BIts an apple.18 . 拍拍你的手,用英语怎么说?( )AClap your hands.BWave your hands.19 . 当Sam让你再说一遍时,他会说:_( )ASay it again.BNo.20 . 你想知道对方是谁,你可以问:A Whats it?B Who are you?C How are you?三、单词拼写写出相应的英语单词。21 . 竞赛_22 . 弄伤_23 . 周三_24 . 激动的_25 . 自豪的_26 . 一起_四、判断题判断下列对话是T否F正确。27 . -I like sweets -I like rice, too! (_)28 . -Im sorry. -Thank you. (_)29 . -Are you a good child? -Yes, I am. (_)30 . -A cake for you -Youre welcome. (_)31 . -Thank you! -Youre welcome. (_)32 . Read and write(T)or(F): Come on, Team B! I like your bike. (_)判断下列问句和答语是否相匹配。33 . - How much is this skirt? (_)- Theyre forty yuan.34 . -Can Liu Tao play basketball? (_)- Yes, he can.35 . - Can I help you? (_)- Yes, I do.36 . -Wheres my bag? (_)- Its on the table.37 . -Is it in your bedroom? (_)- Yes, they are.38 . 判断图片与对话是否相符:What did you have for supper last Monday?I had eggs and fish.(_)39 . 判断: What are these? (_) They are dumplings. 五、连线题40 . 名词单复数连线。one penciltwo pencils two booksthree booksone book第 5 页 共 5 页


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