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六年级下学期英语毕业会考试题人教PEP版姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出每组词中画线部分读音不同的选项。1 . AbikeBniceCfineDfit2 . AgoBboxCnoDnose3 . AarriveBcardChardDmark4 . AyellowBhowCbrownDnow5 . AsitBsomeCisDsix6 . AwalkedBlikedCstudiedDlaughed7 . Im_.Iwantacake.( )AhappyBhungryCthirsty8 . I _ young then. ( )AamBisCwas9 . Ive got a new game, I am _ . ( )AhappyBsad10 . Whosehatisthis? ( )Itsyourbaby_.AbrothersBbrothersCbrother11 . Yesterday, I _ an elephant in the park. ( )AseesBseeCsaw12 . The race started, Ted _ very slow. ( )AhasBhadCwas13 . 当你迟到了,你应该对老师说:( )AYes, Miss Green.BIm sorry, Miss Li.14 . He goes to Beijing_. ( )Aby trainBby plane15 . I love Australia _, kangaroos and koalas. ( )AhousesBanimalsCcities16 . My favourite sweater is _ . ( )AblueBcolour17 . -_ is Danny? ( )-On the train.AWhatBHowCWhere18 . The teacher _ us a story three days ago. ( )AtoldBtellCtells二、情景交际19 . 你想说你的书包是红色和黑色的,你应该说:( )AWhat colour is red and black?BIs it red and black?CIt is red and black.20 . 埃米指着自己小时候的照片这样给她的朋友大明介绍:_( )AThis is me.BHere you are.21 . 当你想说英语是简单的时,你可以说:( )AEnglish is fun.BEnglish is easy.22 . 当你想看看别人的东西时,你说:( )ACan I have a look?BSure. Here you are.COK.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,结合图片完成习题Look at the school building model. This is my school. Our classrooms and teachers office are on the first floor. The teachers office is next to classroom 3. The art room, the music room, the computer room and the library are on the second floor. The library is next to the art room. The music room is next to the computer room. Is it beautiful?Read and write.23 . 根据短文内容填写不同房间的名称。_24 . Complete the dialogue according to the passage. 根据短文内容完成下面对话。A:Look. Thats my school.B: It is beautiful. Where is your classroom?A: Its on the first floor. Its next to the teachers office.B:Youre in Class 3. Do you have a library?A: _Its on the second floor.B:_A:Its next to the library.B:Where is the music room?A:_B:Is it on the second floor?A: _B: I like your school.A: Me, too.根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Sam: Which season do you like best, Tony?Tony: I like winter best.Sam: Why do you like winter best?Tony: Because I like snow. I can play in the snow and make a snowman. What about you?Sam: I like summer.Tony: Why?Sam: Because I can swim in the sea. I can eat ice cream, too.Tony: I dont like summer. Its too hot for me.25 . Sam likes winter best. (_)26 . Tony doesnt like summer, because its too hot. (_)27 . Tony likes to play in the snow. (_)28 . Sam cant swim. (_)29 . Sam likes to eat ice cream in summer. (_)四、看图题30 . 看图完成句子。(1)How do you go to school?I go to school _.(2)Where is your home? Its near the _.(3)Look at the _.(4)How can I get to the zoo?You can go _.五、连词成句31 . 连词成句1.is, tree, front, that, in, There, a, of, house (.)_2.box, it, in, Is, toy, your (?)_3.can, bird, I, see, a (.)_4.want, I, Great, Wall, the, to, go, to (.)_5.are, you, How, old (?)_六、书面表达32 . 写作。各位同学,你们一定做过有趣的梦吧,请以“What a dream!”为题,写一写你梦到了什么?梦里都有谁?做了什么?梦有趣吗?_第 6 页 共 6 页

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