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六年级上册期末测试英语试卷三姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Ken and Ann go to school yesterday. ( )AdidntBdidCwerent2 . mob _Aill Biel Cile选出每组单词中不同类的一项。3 . AsmallBsizeCshort4 . AbothBmetreCkilogram5 . AclearerBbrighterCthan6 . AcookedBcountrysideCcleaned7 . AloudBhadCread8 . Can _ help you? ( )AmeBICmy9 . _ you _ free tomorrow? ( )AAre; going to beBAre; going toCDo; going to10 . Yesterday I _ at home all daybecause I was ill. ( )AstayBstayedCstaied11 . My studies in primary school _ coming to an end.AisBareCam12 . Thank you _ me. ( )Afor helpBfor helpingCat helpingDto help13 . Anne doesnt feel well today. She should see a _. ( )AdoctorBplayCfilm14 . Where is the TV? ( )_AIts under the box.BIts under the chair.CIts near the blackboard.15 . I watch TV in the _( )AbedroomBstudyCliving room16 . Find the different words.(选出不同类的单词)(_) 1. A. sometimes B. often C. late(_) 2. A. running B. also C. hiking(_) 3. A. basketball B. baseball C. sport(_) 4. A. hockey B. football C. like(_) 5. A. goal B. ping-pong C. volleyball17 . 找出不同类的单词。(_)1.A. juice B. rice C. run(_)2.A. photo B.egg C. tomato(_)3. A.make B.buy C. a(_)4. A.here B.what C. how (_)5. A.we B.you C.our二、填空题18 . 选词填空。1. This _(is, are ) my black jacket.2. These _ (is, are ) Helens socks.3. Are these Kates blue _(pant,pants)?4. Whose shoes _(is,are) these?三、任务型阅读19 . 阅读短文,判断对错。对的写T,错的写F。Look, shes my best friend Alice. What does she do? Of course, she is a student. Her mother is an actress, her father is an actor. They go to work by bus every day. Her brother Jeff is an engineer, he goes to work by bike. Her sister Ann is a salesperson, she goes to work by bike too. What is Alice going to do this afternoon? Oh, she is going to buy an English book with me. Oh, shes coming.(1)There are four people in Alices family. (2)Ann is an engineer. (3)Alices mother goes to work by bus.(4)Alices father is an actor. (5)Alice is going to buy a book this morning.四、英汉混合英汉互译。20 . Tree Planting Day_21 . 儿童节_22 . 母亲节_23 . National Day_24 . singing contest _五、句型转换25 . 根据括号中所给要求改写句子1.The girl is very clever. (改为感叹句)_the girl is! 2.I want a heart-shaped cake. (改为同义句)I_ a heart-shaped cake.3.Lily is interested in feeding the baby.(就划线部分提问)_Lily interested in?4.Peter goes to school early every day. (改为否定句) Peter_to school early every day.5.her, on, children, Kate, and, of, watch, the, dancing, day, friends, the first, and singing June ( )(连词组句)_六、匹配题26 . 选择正确的回答。A B(_) (1) Who were they, Lingling?AYes, its me.(_) (2) Is that you in the picture?BThere are four.(_) (3) How old were you then? CThey were my grandparents.(_) (4) How many children are there in your family?DYes, you can.(_) (5) Were you very fat then? ENo, he hasnt.(_) (6) Are there many fruit on the farm?FYes, we will.(_) (7) Can I ask my teacher questions?GI was only two.(_) (8) Lets draw a monster. OK?H. No, I wasnt.(_) (9) Will you go to the park this afternoon? I. OK!(_) (10) Has he got a snake?J. Yes, there are.第 5 页 共 5 页

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