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六年级下册英语小升初专项训练:单选题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ball is it? ( )Its mine.AWhosBWhatCWhose2 . ( )AnoodlesBmeatball3 . Can Iyour ruler? ( )AuseBusingCto use4 . 找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. cool B. poor C. taxi(_) 2. A. sweater B. clothes C. coat(_) 3. A. habit B. headache C. fever(_) 4. A. sleep B. wear C. angry(_) 5. A. last B. sunny C. windy5 . Willy wants to be an_. He wants to walk on the moon one day. ( )AartistBastronautCdancerDpoliceman6 . Monkeys like eating. ( )ApearsBorangesCpeaches根据汉语,选择单词。7 . 强壮的( )AstrongBstrange8 . 快,快速地( )AfastBpast9 . 明星( )AfarBstar10 . 跑,奔跑( )AcanBrun11 . 恐怕( )AstrongBafraid12 . Put on your _. ( )AcapBhatCcoat13 . 读一读,选择画线部分单词的对应词填空。【小题1】Turn left at the restaurant. ( )ArightBstraightCearly【小题2】The bike is very slow. ( )AattentionBfastChalf【小题3】She feels happy every day. ( )AinterestingBamazingCsad【小题4】My little sister is ill. She feels sad. ( )AbadBwellCworry【小题5】Her aunt is a businesswoman. ( )AbusinessmanBscientistCpoliceman14 . This is a naughty boy. ( )But he is also _.AsmartBseriousCinterested15 . _ are you going? ( )Im going to the supermarket.AWhatBWhenCWhereDHow给图片选择合适的选项。16 . ( )Ago homeBgo to schoolCgo to the park17 . ( )Ago to bedBgo to schoolCget up18 . ( )Adancing lessonBgo to bedCgo home19 . ( )Ago homeBgo to bedCget up20 . ( )Aget upBgo to bedCwatch the cartoons21 . My uncle _ Hong Kong over his holiday. ( )AwentBwent toCgoes to22 . 找出不同类的单词:( )ArabbitBredCbear选出每组单词中不同类的一项。23 . AdoctorBteacherCsad24 . AangryBhospitalClibrary25 . AhappyBillCclothes26 . AworriedBcountCwear27 . AwarmBcoldCten28 . Its time for_ Lets sing and dance( )APE classBEnglish classCmusic class29 . How do you get to Canada from Beijing? ( )ABy bike.BBy plane.COn foot.30 . 选出不同类别的单词,并将其序号填在括号内。( )1.A.left Bschool Cright( )2.A.zoo Bpark Cgo( )3.A.near Bbehind Ctoilet( )4.A.our Bthere Chere31 . Your feet are bigger than. ( )AmineBmyCme32 . The children are planting trees in _. ( )AAprilBMarchCMayDJune33 . The boy isnt tall. Hes _.( )AshortBtallClong选出与下列图片相符的短语。34 . ( )Ain the living roomBin the kitchen35 . ( )Aclimb the treeBclimb the mountains36 . ( )Awalk on the grassBwalk to school37 . ( )Aplay with the toyBplay football38 . ( )Ago to bedBfall off the bed39 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AbetweenBbesideCbegin【小题2】AleftBsupermarketCright【小题3】AhelpBshopChospital【小题4】AcinemaBgoCsee【小题5】AstreetBalongCroad40 . 选择正确的中文翻译(只填序号)( ) 1. Where is the cat? ( ) 2. It is under the chair.( ) 3. behind the tree( ) 4. on your desk( ) 5. Be my friend, OK?给下列单词选择合适的汉语意思。41 . name ( )A名字B姓氏C年龄42 . class ( )A年级B班级C学校43 . arm ( )A身体B胳膊C腿44 . foot ( )A脚B脚趾C膝盖45 . mouth ( )A牙齿B舌头C嘴46 . Did you _ in the snow? ( )Ahave a funBhave funChave the fun47 . _ my picture. Its beautiful. ( )ALookBLooksCLook at从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。48 . AelephantBrabbitCzoo49 . AdadBtenCsix50 . AeyesBmyCyour51 . AgrandmaBgrandpaCwoman52 . AthinBtallCtail53 . Didyouplayfootball_ weekend? ( )AnextBlastCevery54 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AshineBsmileCspeech55 . This sweater is _ _. The girl cant wear it. ( )Atoo smallBtoo softCtoo hard56 . There are no _ in the city. ( )AmouseBmiceCmouses57 . How do you _ to school? ( )AareBamCgo58 . May I see that _, please ? ( )ApostcardBpostcards59 . My sweater is on the _.( )AbedBchair60 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. earB. eyeC. I(_)2. A.faceB. have C. nose(_)3. A. smallB. hairC. mouth(_)4. A.bigB. small C. hair(_)5. A. longB. mouthC.short61 . Amy and Sarah are. ( )AboysBfriendsCgirl62 . ( ) Do you think its important _ work hard?AforBto63 . hot dog( )AB64 . _ that boy? ( )Hes my brother.AWhosBWhats第 9 页 共 9 页

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