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六年级下册期末检测英语试卷(四)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Lets go by bus. Its _ than_. ( )Afast; walkBfaster; walkCfaster; walkingDfast; walking2 . We can sing and dance at the party. ( )That _ like a lot of fun.AsoundBsoundsClistens3 . 选出与所给单词属于同类的一项: elephant( )ApearBcatCmilk4 . Can you _ fast?( )ArunBrunsCrunning5 . you drinking? ( )AAreBIsCDo6 . What Kally have?( )She some chocolate.Ado, hasBdo, haveCdoes, has7 . My grandfather likes _ Chinese tea. ( )AdrinkingBdrinkCdrinks8 . The snowman could _.AskatingBto skateCskate9 . -Whose dog is this? ( ) -Its_.AheBtheirsCher10 . There _ a Wuxi opera last week in the Garden Theatre. ( )AisBhasCwas11 . _ you play _ Sam last weekend? ( )ADo; withBDid; withCdid; to二、阅读选择12 . 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。On Christmas Day, Mike gets up at six twenty. He quickly puts on the clothes and looks for his present in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much.” he says happily. But his little brother says,“ its for me. My present.” Then he runs down to the ground floor to see whats in the box. He shakes(摇) the box and listens. His sister, Nancy comes to him,“ Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.”“What? Open it and have a look!” Then they open the box and a pretty dress is in it. Mike looks around, and he sees a box for him under the tree.( )(1) Mike gets up at.A. twenty to six B. twenty past six C. six( )(2) The lovely toy dog is for.A. Nancy B. Nancys sister C. Nancys brother( )(3) The pretty dress is for.A. Mike B. Mikes sister C. Mikes brother( )(4) Mike getspresent(s) from his family.A. only one B. two C. three( )(5) Whats in the box for Mike?A. We dont know. B. A turkey. C. A toy dog.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断对错,对的在题前的括号内打“T”,错的打“F”It is Sunday today. My parents, my brother Tom and I are all at home. My father is washing his car. He is going to Beijing tomorrow. He is going there by car. My mother is putting the flowers under the sun. Then she is going to buy some flowers seeds. Tom is drawing a picture. There are many clouds in his picture. I am very busy. Im doing my homework.13 . Today is sunny. (_)14 . Toms father is going to Beijing on Saturday. (_)15 . Toms father is going to Beijing by car. (_)16 . Toms mother is buying some flowers seeds now. (_)17 . Toms doing housework. (_)四、选内容补全对话选词填空。A. homework B. thirty-two C. four D. rightA: Is five and 18 . nine?B: Yes, you are right.A: What is twenty and twelve?B: Its 19 . .A: Four and six is ten. Am I right?B: Yes, you are 20 . .Your 21 . is good.五、匹配题22 . 情景搭配。AYes, it is.BYes, I do.CGood afternoon.DNice to meet you, too.EYes, I am.FMy name is Lucy.GFine, thank you.H. Thank you. I. Good morning.J. I am seven.1.Whats your name? (_)2.Nice to meet you. (_)3.How old are you?(_)4.Are you clever? (_)5.How are you? (_)6.Good morning. (_)7.Do you live here? (_)8.Is Parrot a naughty bird? (_)9.Welcome back to school. (_)10.Good afternoon. (_)六、书面表达23 . 用“第三人称单数”改写短文。My name is Ben. I live in Sydney. I like doing kung fu and word puzzles. I do homework and read books every day. I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes I go on foot. I often play basketball with my friends on Sunday afternoon.第 5 页 共 5 页

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