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六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(5)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . My grandpa letters his friends twenty years ago. ( )Awrite; forBwrote; toCwrites; forDwrites; to2 . Mybrother_befifteennextyear.( )AareBwillCisDwasgoingto3 . We are going to _ Singapore for 3 days .Astay inBstay atCstay on4 . - Is this an _ _the tree? ( )- I think so.Aapple, inBapples, onCapple, on5 . The tiger_ very dangerous(危险的). ( )AareBis二、阅读选择阅读理解One day, my cousins and I are in the park. The park is very beautiful. There are many flowers and trees in it. And there is a lake, too. My cousins are playing games by the lake. And I am sitting under a tree. I look at the blue sky. The white clouds are like white sheep(绵羊). Oh, two birds are flying. One is yellow, the other is green. They look so beautiful and free.I have a dream now. I want to be a bird and I want to fly in the sky with my friends.6 . Where is the writer(作者) one day? He is _. ( )Ain the dreamBin the parkCin the lake7 . Who is together with the writer? _.( )AHis brotherBHis classmatesCHis cousins8 . What are the cousins doing? They _.( )Aare sittingBplaying gamesCflying a kite9 . What does the writer want to be in his dream? He wants to be _.( )Aa sheepBa birdCa cloud10 . What does the writer see in the sky? He sees_.( )AsheepBbirdsCa lake三、任务型阅读任务型阅读。The students are happy because they are on holiday. Mary is visiting her aunt in Paris. She is very excited to be in Paris. It is a very famous city. And it is a good place to go shopping! Tom is fishing in the lake. Because the water is very clean, there are so many fish in the lake. Tom is having a good harvest (收获). Simon and Bill are good friends. They are usually very busy with their study every day. So they want to do something different. They are going bike riding together in the beautiful countryside (农村,乡下). Its relaxing. Jesse is taking some photos in the park. The park is very beautiful in autumn, and its a good place to take photos. Everyone gets tired sometimes. Its important to have a rest. And its good for your health. It can help you work or study better, too. I hope everyone is having a good time. What are they doing for 11 . ? Name Place Things MaryIn Paris12 . 13 . By the lakeFishing Simon and Bill In the countrysideBike 14 . JesseIn the 15 . Taking photos四、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全下面的对话。A. Whose shoes are they?B. Thank you.C. Its 4:00.D. No, it isnt.E. OK!Mike: What time is it?Peter: 16 . Mike: Its time to go home. Lets go!Peter: 17 . Mike: Is that your hat?Peter: 18 . My hat is red. Its Amys.Mike: And those? 19 . Peter: Theyre mine.Mike: Here you are.Peter: 20 . 五、匹配题21 . Choose and write.AThisBSheCmyDfriend1. This is _ sister.2. _ is my mother.3. _ is her car.4. This is my _.22 . 选择最佳答语。(_)1.Lets buy some presents first.(_)2.Where are my shoes?(_)3.There are some books for you.(_)4.Can you open it for me?(_)5.Thank you.(_)6.Merry Christmas!(_)7.What do you usually do?(_)8.Does your father like eating turkeys?AThats all right.BThank you.COK, lets go.DI usually go swimming.ETheyre under the bed.FYes, he does.GSure.H. Merry Christmas!第 5 页 共 5 页


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