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五年级下册期中模拟测试英语试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The good fairy godmother changed a stone _a tree. ( )AontoBintoCfromDto2 . I _ like hamburgers.AdoBdont3 . Whats breakfast? ( )AatBforCto4 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AhorseBjumpingCrunning5 . The Spring Festival is_. I am very. ( )Acomes; excitingBcame; excitedCcoming; excitedDcomes; exciting6 . Look _the mirror. ( )AtoBinCon7 . They are buying a presentTom( )AofBonCfor8 . Its _ favourite song. ( )AmeBmyCI9 . Where is it? ( )Its the table.AtoBforCon10 . It is a nice day for an _. ( )AoutingBoutCplaying二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Yesterday, Amy and Mary went to the zoo by bike. They saw pandas, lions, monkeys and elephants. They were very happy. They were thirsty, so they bought a watermelon. Amy carried the watermelon on her bike. But it fell off her bike and bumped her foot(脚).11 . Amy and Mary went to the _ yesterday. ( )AparkBzooCschool12 . Amy and Mary saw _. ( )Apandas and lionsBelephants and monkeysCBoth A and B13 . They were very _. ( )AsadBhappyChungry14 . Did they buy a watermelon? ( )AYes, they did. BNo, they didnt. CYes, they do.15 . What happened to Amy? ( )AShe was hungry. BShe had a cold.CThe watermelon bumped her foot.三、填空题16 . 选词填空。AtakeBopenCwithDroomsEholiday1. We are going to visit the Great Wall this summer _.2. Kate is going to America _ her parents.3. We can _ the train around the zoo.4. I hear there are 9999 _ inside the Forbidden City.5. The Singapore Zoo is in the _ air.看图片,选词填空。play fly do cook read17 . _ kung fu18 . _ stories19 . _ kites20 . _ football21 . _ Chinese food按照提示填入正确的单词或词组。22 . Chen Jie has a _(绿色的苹果).23 . I like those _(裤子).24 . Are these _(麦克的)?25 . _(穿上) your shirt.26 . Its time to _(回家).四、任务型阅读判断正误。Hello! Im Zhang Peng. Today is my fathers birthday. Its on July 7th. I make a birthday card for him on Saturday. My mum cooks a big meal for him. My sister buys a birthday cake. It is very sweet and delicious. We sing birthday song for him. We are very happy on my fathers birthday.27 . His fathers birthday is on Saturday. (_)28 . Zhang Peng makes a birthday card for his father. (_)29 . His family are very happy. (_)30 . His sister buys a gift for his father. (_)31 . The birthday cake is sweet and delicious. (_)五、选内容补全对话32 . 选择恰当的句子补全对话。AShe is dancing.BIm eight.CIm singing a song.DCan you say a poem?A: What are you doing, Tom?B:_A: Wow, how old are you?B:_A:_B: Yes, I can. I like saying a poem.A: What is Lingling doing?B:_.六、连词成句33 . 连词成句。1. is, what, going, do, she, to (?)_2. is, going, party, what, he, do, for, to, the (?)_3. are, balloons, here, some, you, for (.)_4. some, lets, first, have, fun (.)_5. play, you, table, going, are, to, tennis (?)_七、其他34 . Write and match.1. Chinese_ a. 2.the_ b.3.send_ c. 4.coconut_ d. 第 5 页 共 5 页

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