六年级上册英语试题-Unit3《My weekend plan》一课一练-人教pep(2020秋)

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六年级上册英语试题-Unit3《My weekend plan》一课一练-人教pep(2020秋)_第1页
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六年级上册英语试题-Unit3My weekend plan一课一练-人教pep(2020秋)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ your sweater. Its cold outside. ( )APut inBTake offCPut on2 . _would you like? ( )Three, please.AHow muchBHow manyCWhen3 . What is your uncle like?AHe likes writing.BHe is a pilot.CThin and short.4 . _ family and _are going to buy some new clothes tomorrow.A My, meAMe, IBMy, I5 . _ are they ? ( )Theyre forty yuan .AHow muchBHow manyCWhat6 . What are_ hobbies? ( )ALilyByour sisterCUncle Lis二、汉译英7 . 翻译(1)在树下_(2)在星期一下午_(3)在学校_(4)在椅子上_(5)在上午_(6)在中午_(7)在星期日_(8)在家_(9)在十二点钟_(10)在五月_三、选内容补全对话选择合适的选项补全句子。AthoseBHow muchCtwelve dollarsDa pair of boots8 . _ is the pencil sharpener?(_)Its five yuan.9 . Can I help you? (_)Im looking for _ .10 . May I try _ dresses? (_)11 . Its _ . Its very cheap. (_)四、匹配题12 . 从方框中选择合适的词组完成句子1. She will_ Australia.2. We can wait_.3. Gu Li _ at home4. Where will they go _?5. Ma Dong wants to play in the World Cup_.6. Xu Fang eats_ sweet food at a time.第 3 页 共 3 页

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