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六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(2)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、完形填空完形填空。Hi! My name is Eric. Let me _ you about my day. I get up _ seven oclock every morning. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I have my breakfast. Then I get ready_ school. I take my schoolbag and go to school by bus.I have classes in the morning. I have lunch at twelve oclock. Then I have more classes in the afternoon. I come home at half past three._school, I watch TV. Then I do my homework. I have dinner _ my family. Finally I have a shower and brush my teeth. I go to bed at eight oclock. I need to get ready for another day!1 . AtalkBsayCtell2 . AatBonCin3 . AtoBatCfor4 . AInBAfterCAt5 . AandBtoCwith二、阅读回答问题6 . 阅读理解,回答问题。A: Hello,Nancy, Welcome to my home!B: Thank you, Mike. Whats that over there?A: Its my family photo.B: Whos the man in dark green.A: Hes my grandfather.B: Are the man and woman your parents?A:Yes. The one with a big nose is my father. The one next to him is my mother.B: Is the girl in a red skirt your sister?A: No, shes my uncles daughter. She is my cousin, Lily.B: She looks young and pretty. Is the woman in a white blouse your grandmother?A: Yes, she is. Shes about sixty years old.B: Whos the little baby in a blue hat? Is he your brother?A: No , its me!【小题1】How many people(人) are there in Mikes family photo?_【小题2】Is Mikes mother in a red skirt?_【小题3】Who looks young and pretty?_【小题4】Is the baby in a blue hat Mikes brother?_【小题5】Who is sixty years old?_读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Jims bedroom is big. Some children are in Jims bedroom. A small boy and a cat is behind the door. A girl with short hair is in front of the desk. A girl with long hair is next to the desk. She has a book in her hands. She is looking at the dolls in the book. Two boys are near the window. Between the two boys, there is a ball. Jim is on the sofa. There is a table in front of the sofa. On the table, there is a computer. Jim is looking at the computer. He is playing a game.7 . How many children are there in the room?_8 . Whats behind the door?_9 . Who is next to the desk?_10 . What is between the two boys?_11 . Where is the computer?_三、选内容补全对话选择合适的选项补全对话AIs she strictByoure rightCPE teacherDtall and strongEshe isntA:Shes 12 . . Guess! Whos she?B:Shes our 13 . !A:No,14 . . B:15 . ?A:Yes, she is. But she is very funny. B:Oh, shes our music teacher. A:Yes,16 . .17 . 根据上下文完成下列对话,将相应的字母编号写在横线上。AGoodmorning,Tony!BHereyouare. CDoyouhaveaplate?DYes,Ido.EYourewelcome.Jenny: 1._.Tony:Goodmorning,Jenny!Jenny: 2._.Tony:Yes,Ihaveaplate.ButIdonthaveafork.Jenny: 3._.Tony:Thankyou.Jenny: 4._.Tony: Doyouhaveaspoon?Jenny: 5._.四、看图题18 . 看图写出相应的单词(写数词)。(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_五、书面表达19 . 小作文。你一定有许多爱好吧,通过我们的学习,请用你学过的句子,来描述一下你的爱好是什么?老师看好你奥,你一定书写的很漂亮,快快写吧!第 5 页 共 5 页

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