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六年级上册期末易错诊断英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look at the black clouds. Its going to be _. Please take your umbrella.( )AcloudyBrainyCwindy选选看。(选择与图片相符的句子)2 . ( )AThe boy is playing football.BThe boy is playing basketball.3 . ( )AI am a teacher. I can teach Chinese.BI am a doctor.4 . ( )AIm from China.BIm from Japan.5 . ( )AWe like winner.BWe dont like winner.6 . 读句子,选择画线部分的汉语意思:We should stand in line. ( )A起立B排队C站起来7 . We canin the bathroom. ( )Atake a showerBhave mealsCgrow flowers8 . What do you often do with your friends?We often _.AcyclingBswimmingCgoing shoppingDgo shopping二、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Last weekend is National Day. In the morning, I visited the Great Wall with my brother Tom. We took beautiful photos there. We ate ice cream and drank cold drinks. In the afternoon, we made a video call with our grandparents. In the evening, I had a stomachache. I shouldnt eat too much ice cream in the morning.9 . Whats the date today?_10 . Where did Tom go in the morning?_11 . What did Tom eat?_12 . Did Tom drink green tea?_13 . When did Tom make a video call?_三、判断题14 . 根据生活经验,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(_)1. Im wearing a dress because Im going to go swimming.(_)2. Mike is wearing a T-shirt because its going to be hot.(_)3. She is wearing a swimsuit because she is going to play football.(_)4. Tom is wearing a coat because he is going to play baseball.(_)5. John is wearing a cap because he is going to play base.四、匹配题选择正确的单词,把其编号填在相应图片的括号内。ApencilBmouthClegDfootEhandFbookGgift H. earI. elephant J. ice-cream15 . (_)16 . (_)17 . (_)18 . (_)19 . (_)20 . (_)21 . (_)22 . (_)23 . (_)24 . (_)五、书面表达25 . 书面表达。加入你们班级将要举行一个班级聚会。写一写你们将会做什么事情。至少五句话。Class party_第 5 页 共 5 页

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