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六年级上册期中检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题给下列图片选择正确的句子。1 . ( )AHes tall and strong.BHes friendly and thin.CHes tall and thin.2 . ( )AHes tall and friendly.BHes quiet and strong.CHes short and thin.3 . ( )AShe has long hair.BHe has short hair.CShe has short hair.4 . ( )AHe has blue glasses.BHe has brown shoes.CHe has a green bag.5 . ( )AHe has a bag.BShe has a hat.CShe has glasses.找出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。6 . AteaBseaCbreathDplease7 . AslowBdownCtomorrowDyellow8 . AhereBwhereCthereDbear9 . ApostmanBstopCcomicDhobby10 . AtogetherBthirdCotherDthese11 . What _ you do yesterday?( )AdoBdoesCdid选出画线部分读音与所给单词相同的一项。12 . card ( )AhardBwearCwarm13 . make ( )AbagBcakeCpast14 . like( )AbikeBitCthis15 . clothes ( )ApointBagoCto16 . park ( )AMarkBhealthCbread17 . 将划线部分单词发音与其它发音不同的单词序号选出来。(_)(1)A. nose B. goat C. fox(_)(2)A. chair B. oil C. boy(_)(3)A. toy B. boil C. soup(_)(4)A. horse B. comic C. corn(_)(5)A. car B. bird C. heart18 . ( )(1)Let _ introduce my parents to youAIBmeCmy19 . Please come to_this winter. ( )AChineseBUSCthe US找出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。20 . AhighBslipCthinkDinto21 . AballBwalkCtalkDalso22 . AsoonBgroupCbookDtooth23 . AthinBthirstyCthreeDfather24 . AweakBgreatCeatDread25 . His parents are _ teachers. ( )AbothBallCone26 . 选出单词中画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AgotBfromCcome27 . We wear _in summer. ( )AT-shirtsBcoats28 . _ Christmas Day, we are going to have a big party on the playground. ( )AOnBAtCInDFor29 . Its my first trip, so I am very _. ( )AexcitedBexcitingCexcite30 . We have computer lessons from Monday _ Thursday. ( )AtoBinConDat31 . I read English _ Monday _ Friday. ( )Aon, onBfrom, onCfrom, to二、阅读选择阅读所给内容,完成下列练习。Its a rainy day. Its time to go home now. Alice gets on a bus and gives one dollar. At the next station, a man gets on the bus with a dog. They are wet. The dog is black and ugly. And its paws are very dirty(脏的). Alice is afraid of the dog. The man says to the driver, “My dog must sit on the seat just like the other people. I will pay for it. How much is the ticket?” The driver looks at the dog and says, “Of course, Sir. But like the other people, it must not put its paws on the chair.”32 . 根据所给内容选择正确答案。1. Its a _ day. (_)A. fine B. rainy C. windy2. Alice goes home _.(_)A. on footB. by bikeC. by bus3. A man gets on the bus with a _ dog. (_)A. small and dirtyB. white and wetC. ugly and dirty33 . 根据短文回答问题 -How much is the ticket? -_.34 . 同义句转换:Its time to go home now? _三、填空题35 . 根据句意或汉语提示,选词填空。learn our Friday visit Wednesday1.Today is Thursday and tomorrow is _ .2.Today is _ and tomorrow is Thursday.3.Robots will do _(我们的)homework.4.On Friday Ill _(看望)my grandma.5.They will help children _(学习).36 . _ (Not, Dont) worry. I can help your monkey.37 . 用所给词的正确形式填空。1.The girl_(have) a bad cold.2.Mymother_(take)me to see the doctor.3.Dont _(run)intheclassroom.4.You should _(drink) more water.5.How old _ you? (be)6.Look!Theyare _(wait)outside the doctors room.38 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I am _(excite) about Christmas.2.What can we do _(keep) our school clean ?3.I am going to _(light) fireworks.4. Bobby _(get) red packets two days ago and he _(be) very happy.5. On the _(two) day of the Christmas hokiday, we go _ (ski).6. What _ your cousin _ (do) next Tuesday?She _(draw).用所给单词的适当形式填空。39 . Hes a happy boy. He often laughs _ (happy).40 . Who _ (wake) you up this morning?41 . The little girl does not like _ (drink) water.42 . There are many _ (visit) in Hangzhou.43 . Cindy often _ (cross) the road with other people.四、单词拼写44 . It was s_ in the morning.观察每组单词,填入所缺字母将单词补充完整。45 . look football g_d46 . third thin ma_s47 . rainy rainbow p_nt48 . say way Mond_49 . house mouse s_nd50 . 根据中文意思,将英文单词补充完整。1.尺r _ _ e_ 2.钢笔p _ _3.书bo _ _ 4.铅笔p _ nc _ l把下列单词拼写完整。51 . sq _re52 . _ ote _53 . mu_ e _m54 . _(也许,大概)its in the south of the city.五、阅读回答问题读下面的这两封信,然后回答后面的问题。Dear friends,Im from China. My name is Daming, I like noodles and dancing. I also like football and watching TV. What about you?FromDamingHi friends,I like basketball. I love football, too. My favourite food is chicken. Im American. Im ten.FromJohn55 . Who loves computer games?_56 . Is Daming from China?_57 . Whats Damings favourite sport?_58 . Where is John from?_59 . Is Johns favourite food chicken?_60 . How old is John?_六、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Tony: May I come in, doctor?Doctor: Come in and sit down, please.Tony: Thank you.Doctor: Whats the matter?Tony: I have a bad headache and a fever.Doctor: Let me have a look.Tony: Doctor: OK, I see. Here is some medicine for you. Go home and go to bed now.Tony: Thank you, doctor.61 . Tony sees the dentist. (_)62 . Tony has a bad headache and a fever. (_)63 . The doctor gives a glass of water to Tony. (_)64 . The doctor wants Tony to have a good rest. (_)65 . Tony is talking to his teacher at school. (_)七、判断题66 . 判断下列图片和句子是(T)否(F)相符。( )1This is a museum.( )2I want to buy a postcard.( )3.Its a robot.( )4.There is a post office.67 . There are some ducks on the pond.有一些鸭子在水塘。68 . 判断句子正(T)误(F)(_)1. Go at the red light.(_)2. You must look left before you cross the road.(_)3. In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.69 . 判断句子与图片是否相符,相符的的打“”不相符的打“”。( ) 1. Time for breakfast. Drink some milk. ( ) 2. Time for English class. Read and write.( ) 3. Time for music class. Sing and dance.( ) 4. Time for PE class. Jump and run.( ) 5. Time for lunch. Have some chicken.判断题70 . I want my grandpa to come, too. (_)71 . It means: Look out for children.(_)72 . The emperors new clothes is my favourite story.(_)73 . How many goats are there? Two. (_)74 . How can we go home? Certainly. (_)八、选内容补全对话读句子,将对话补充完整。ADoessheteachChinese?BWhatareherhobbies?CWhataboutyou?DWhatareyourhobbies?EIsyourmotherateacher?WuYifan:75 . ZhangPeng:Ilikedoingkungfuandreadingstories.76 . WuYifan:Ilikedoingwordpuzzlesandsinging. 77 . ZhangPeng:Yes,sheisWuYifan: 78 . ZhangPeng: No,sheteachesEnglish.WuYifan:79 . ZhangPeng:Shelikeslisteningtomusic.九、连词成句连词成句。80 . invented/he/in/1893/this/bicycle/._81 . are/people/Chinese/clever/very/._82 . print/we/and/books/newspapers/._83 . I/this/printed/newspaper/._84 . invented/Chinese/paper/people/._85 . 连词成句。1. liketogether funthey to have(.)_2. I go a walkfor to like (.)_3. father likes my plant vegetables to (.)_4. his familywhatdoesdo liketo (?)_5. to animals we watch like the(.)_86 . 连词成句。1. swimming Do they like (?)_2. Chinese he Does have lessons (?)_ 3. likes she andMaths PE (.)_4. like Does she singing (?)_5. football like Does he playing (?)_87 . 连词成句。1me,clean,board,let,the(.)_2.us,clean,classroom,let,the(.)_3.they,what,are(?)_4.is,clean,it,nice,and(.)_5.our,is,new,this,classmate(.)_6.wall,is,the,blue(.)连词成句88 . time , for , cake , the , is , it (.) (_)89 . my , is , this , not , pen (.) (_)90 . that , is , girl , who(?)(_)91 . those , are , too, oranges (?) (_)92 . Su Yang ,my, is, name (.) _十、书面表达93 . 暑假快要到了,好好计划一下你的假期吧,让它过得既快乐又有意义。请以“My Summer Vacation Plan”为题写一篇短文。要求:1.用be going to句型计划一下自己的暑假活动安排。2条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清晰。3不少于50个单词。My Summer Vacation Plan第 15 页 共 15 页

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