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五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(四)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ some crayons on the sofa. ( )AamBisCare2 . We have bread _ milk. ( )AandBisCare3 . Where are you going? ( )To . Im going to buy a dictionary.Athe bookstoreBthe restaurantCthe supermarket4 . _ there any apple juice in the fridge? ( )AAreBIsCBe5 . She couldnt _then. ( )AspeaksBspeakCto speak6 . _ are you? ( ) I am five.AHowBWhatCHow old7 . 根据所给的图片选择恰当的句子。(把句子的字母标号写在题前的括号里) (_) 1. A.This is my nose. B.Show me your hand.(_) 2. A.Its a monkey. B. Look at the elephant.(_) 3. A.Drink some water. B.Eat some fish.(_)4. A.Show me three. B.Im four years old.(_) 5. A.Look! A funny dog! B.Its a bear.8 . ( )ATVBball9 . He likes playing _ football. ( )AaB/Cthe10 . What do you do_ Flag Day? ( )AinBonCof11 . We should brush our teeth _ a day. ( )AtwoBtwiceCtwo times二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择最佳答案。My family has six people. They are my parents, my sister, my baby brother,my little puppy and me. My parents like to eat noodles. My sister and I like to eat rice. My baby brother likes to drink milk. My little puppy likes to eat beef.12 . There arepeople in my family. ( )AsixBfiveCfour13 . My parents like to eat. ( )AriceBbeefCnoodles14 . My baby brother likes to. ( )Aeat riceBdrink milkCeat noodles15 . My puppy likes to eat. ( )AriceBnoodlesCbeef三、情景交际16 . 在服装店里,你想试穿一条裤子,你会问:_ACan I try them on?BCan I try it on?17 . 当你想说“对不起”时,应该说:AI am OK.BAre you sorry?CI am sorry.18 . 大海的颜色是_.AblueBgreen19 . 如果想问Tom的哥哥是干什么工作的,你可以问:( )AWhat is your brother?BWhat do your brother?CWhat does your brother?20 . 你需要Ken 的建议,这样对Ken表达:A、I need your advice.B、I have no idea.四、汉译英21 . 写出下列单词的英文形式1. 派对_2. 蜡烛_3. 糖果_4. 礼物_5. 桌子_五、判断题根据图片,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。22 . The pencil box is on the chair.(_)23 . The ball is under the chair.(_)24 . The book is under the desk.(_)25 . The boat is on the desk.(_)26 . The bag is in the desk.(_)六、看图题27 . -How do you go to school? -I go to school_.第 5 页 共 5 页

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