五年级下册月考(Unit 1-3)英语试卷(1)

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五年级下册月考(Unit 1-3)英语试卷(1)_第1页
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五年级下册月考(Unit 1-3)英语试卷(1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Leo _ his mother for help. ( )AaskBasksCasking2 . They leave some books . ( )AafterBbehindCoff3 . He likes films. ( )AwatchesBseeCseeing选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的选项。4 . AtryBmyCparty5 . AdrinkBhardCdraw6 . AsadBtakeClate7 . AhappyBjacketCcake8 . AfootBlookCschool9 . AstoriesBmushroomsCsnacks10 . Can you see _toys? ( )No, I _.Asome; cantBany; cantCany; can11 . Kunming is _the south of Chengdu. ( )AinBtoC/12 . I have a pair of _ in my hand. ( )AscissorBscissorsCtwo scissorsDa scissor13 . Where _ your grandma live? ( )AdoBdontCdoes14 . You can play all day in the city _ you have time. ( )AifBsoCafter15 . Please move the rubbish _ my house. ( )AfromBinCaway from16 . _ is Teachers Day?( )AWhenBWhere17 . My father _ the car every weekend. ( )Ais cleaningBcleaningCcleanDcleans18 . He was _ astronaut.( ) AtheBa二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。A train stops at a station. A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. “Can you go and buy us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars.” “Great!”says the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger.“Where is my hamburger?”asks the young man.“Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So Im eating my hamburger. Here is your dollar.”19 . Where is the young man? ( )AOn a plane.BUnder a big umbrella.CAt a station.20 . What does the young man want to buy? ( )AHamburgers.BUmbrella.CDollars.21 . Who helps the young man? ( )AA boy.BA man.CA girl.22 . Does the young man get a hamburger? ( )ANo, he doesnt.BYes, he does.CNo, he does.23 . How many hamburgers are there in the shop? ( )ATwo.BOnly one.CMany.三、填空题24 . animal_(写出单词复数及汉语意思)25 . 选词填空(词汇运用)AmanyBmonkeysCearsDmyEhas(1)The elephant has big _.(2)How _cats do you know?(3)Look at _dog!(4)Look at the _! They are cute.(5)It _a short tail.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Jim and Sam are new students. They are twins, but they dont look the same. They come from England and study in our school. They speak English very well. Now they study Chinese here. They like China. They are in the same school. But they are in different classes. Jim is in Class Four, Grade One. Sam is in Class Three.26 . Sam and Jim are English boys. (_)27 . Jim and Sam are good at English and Chinese. (_)28 . Jim and Sam study English in China. (_)29 . Jim and Sam are in the same class. (_)30 . Jim doesnt look like Sam. (_)五、汉译英根据所给中文提示,完成下列句子。31 . 许多人喜欢在网上购物。Many people like _ on the Internet.32 . 我们可以在任何地方打电话给人们。We can _ people _.33 . 那老人给孩子讲了一个故事.The old man _ the boy a story.34 . 昨天妈妈从商店里买了许多东西。Mother _ many things _ shops _.六、句型转换35 . Amy liked these places.(改为否定句)_第 4 页 共 4 页

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