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五年级上册月考英语试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There_a box and some balls here just now. ( )AwereBisCwasDare2 . Read and choose.选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. egg B. milk C. juice(_) 2. A. biscuit B. bread C. breakfast(_) 3. A. tiger B. lion C. strong(_) 4. A. child B. zebra C. monkey(_) 5. A. like B. lovely C. cool(_) 6. A. toy B. kite C. ball3 . Is it _ the Dongfang Park? ( )AfarBfromCfar from4 . _ she like Chinese food?AdoesBDoesCDo5 . Do you have _sweaters? ( )AanyBsomeCan6 . _ your schoolbag? ( )At home.AWhatsBWheresCWhos选出与所给例词划线部分读音相同的单词。7 . eraser( )AbadBageCpanda8 . next ( )AtreeBcinemaCumbrella9 . like( )AwhiteBlovelyCticket10 . soon( )AfootBroomClook11 . office( )ApresentBblouseChouse12 . mouth( )AbrotherBthreeCclothes二、填空题13 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. _ (do) he like drawing pictures?2. My grandfather _ (read) books after dinner every day.3. _ (do) you watch TV every evening?4. Mrs Green is _ (swim) now.5. My parents _ (be) teachers.三、任务型阅读Read and judge. (阅读短文判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。)Im Xiaogang. I had a nice holiday last year. I went to Hangzhou. I went by bus visited the West Lake. I have two friends. They are Li Hua and Xu Wei. They also had a nice holiday last year. Li Hua went to Hong Kong. He went by train. Xu Wei went New York. He went by plane.14 . Xiaogang had a nice holiday last year. (_)15 . Xiaogang went to Hangzhou by train. (_)16 . Li Hua and Xu Wei are Xiaogangs friends. (_)17 . Li Hua visited the West lake. (_)18 . Xu Wei went to New York by plane. (_)四、句型转换19 . 句型转换。1. 做否定回答。Do you have PE lessons every day?_.2. 变成一般疑问句。Jill is good at the high jump._.五、匹配题20 . Look and choose.AinBshipCatDsmallEnext1. Look _ a very tall tree.2. It is _ a box in the big lake.3. The tiger has the _ message.4. Now find the old _.5. Look in the _ lake.六、看图题根据句义及图片提示,补全单词,完成句子。21 . I like playing _and _.22 . I usually _in the park with my brother Tim.23 . He also likes playing _.24 . She likes _.25 . He likes _.七、书面表达26 . 书面表达。Make a story with the following words.last Saturday, on foot, fly a kite, play football, have a picnic, ate, drink, happy要求:1. 不少于5句话;2. 字迹工整,书写正确。第 5 页 共 5 页

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