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三年级上册期中测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出下列单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1.A.sometimesB.usuallyC.oftenD.foot(_) 2.A.playB.subwayC.shipD.bus(_) 3.A.fifthB.threeC.fourD.twenty(_) 4.A.near B. farC. tallD. go (_) 5.A.theUSAB.bookstoreC.schoolD.park2 . 根据情景选择正确的表述语,将其序号填入题前括号里。( ) 1. A. I like the colorful dolls. B. I like the colorful stars. C. I like the colorful balls. ( ) 2. A. Look at my new shirt. B. Look at my new skirt. C. I like my new dress. ( ) 3. A. Do you like my new ball?B. Do you like my teddy bear?C. Do you like my toy car?3 . Where is she going? ( )AShes going to schoolBShes writing a letter.4 . Are there _ shoes on the shelf?AsomeBanyCa5 . Good night, Mom! ( )_AGood evening!BGood night!6 . Goodbye, Miss White! ( )_.ABye, Mr Black!BOK!CHello!二、情景交际7 . 你想把新同学介绍给大家,可以说:( )AHello, Im Sue.BThis is Sue.CShes my sister.8 . 你把妈妈介绍给朋友时说:( )AThis is my mother.BThis is my father.9 . 当别人问你的名字时,你应该回答:( )AGood morning.BIm Wang Xiaogang.10 . 有人问你姐姐是干什么工作时,你该回答:( )AShe is a nurse.BHe is a nurse.11 . 与别人道别时,我们应该说:_ ( )AHello!BSee you.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误Long, long ago there lived a king. He was very old and he had no children. So he wanted to select a new king in the country.One day, the king asked his ministers to give all the children in the country some flower seeds and told them, Who can plant the most beautiful flowers will be the king.A child named David planted the seeds and looked after them carefully. But day after day, no flowers came out from the basin. He was very disappointed.It was time to show the most beautiful flowers. The children from all over the country came with their beautiful flowers.The king walked in front of the children. When he saw the beautiful flowers, he was very unhappy.Suddenly, he saw a child carrying an empty basin. He was very glad and asked the boy, Why do you carry an empty basin? The boy cried and told him the truth.The king laughed, You are an honest boy. You will be the future king. In fact, the seeds had been boiled.12 . The king wanted a new king.(_)13 . The child with the most beautiful flowers will be the king. (_)14 . There were no flowers in Davids basin.(_)15 . The seeds from the king can grow flowers.(_)16 . David will be the future king.(_)四、匹配题根据对话内容选择合适的语句,将正确选项填在括号内。A. Can I go swimming after class?B. By subway.C. They come from Canada.D. What did you do last Saturday?E. What will she be in the future?17 . _(_) She will be a singer. She enjoys pop songs. 18 . _(_)No, you cant. You must cut the grass first.19 . Where do these new students come from? (_)_20 . How does Mr. Wilson go to work every day? (_)_21 . _(_)We joined a clean-up team. We helped keep our neighborhoods clean.选择正确的译文。A这是我的耳朵。B你叫什么名字?C看我的鼻子。D早上好!E触摸你的脸。22 . Whats your name? (_)23 . Good mornig!(_)24 . This is my ear.(_)25 . Look at my nose.(_)26 . Touch your face.(_)五、字母题27 . 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。1. Cc 2. Ee 3. Ff 4. Hh5. Bb六、其他28 . 看图连线,并将单词正确抄写在四线格里。1. eat a.2. shout b.3. run c.4. drink d.5. sleep e.6. talk f.第 6 页 共 6 页

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