青海省2020年英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school练习卷(六)(I)卷

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青海省2020年英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school练习卷(六)(I)卷_第1页
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青海省2020年英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school练习卷(六)(I)卷_第3页
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青海省2020年英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school练习卷(六)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题找出不同类的一项1 . AIByourCmy2 . AnoseBhandCbody3 . AisBareCdo4 . AoneBaCtwo5 . AmotherBfatherCit6 . AtouchBlookChis7 . AthisBthatCthese8 . AwhatBhowCmany二、排序题9 . 整理句子,组成一段对话( ) Wow! Your school is cool!( ) No, it isnt. Its the music room. The art room is on the second floor.( ) Look, this is my school.( ) Oh, its so big. Is this the art room?( ) Thank you. Look at the playground.三、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子,补全对话。A. Its on the second floor.B. Do you have a library?C. Forty.D. How many classroomsE. Welcome to our school!Li Lei: 10 . Sarah: Its so big. 11 . are there in your school?Li Lei: 12 . Sarah: 13 . Li Lei: Yes, we do.Li Lei: Its next to the gym. 14 . 四、匹配题15 . 从方框中选出适当的短语并用其恰当形式填空。how long; catch a cold; fast food;take ones temperature; take the medicine1.After _ three times a day after meals, I felt much better.2.Dont eat too much _every day. Its bad for our health.3._can I watch TV today, Mum?You can watch CCTV News for only half an hour.4.Have you _, Tom?Yes, it is already 39. I must see the doctor at once.5.Today its very cold. Put some warm clothes or youll_.五、抄写题16 . 正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号1. Sally how thank like dogs fly a kite my family2. Who is she? Is she your grandmother? Yes,she is.六、仿写句子17 . 仿写句子。Can you tell me how to get to the bookstore? _第 3 页 共 3 页


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