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陕西省2020版英语五年级上册专项训练:词汇(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Where _ Helen and Tom? ( )They are in the playground.AamBisCare2 . Think and choose: ( )AinBhisCmy3 . Look! _ red dog. ( )AABAnCAm4 . _ ball ( )AbaseBfootCbasket5 . Those are Bobs photos. They are _. ( )AmineBherChisDyours找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。6 . AcomeBlookCphotos7 . AfunnyBpinkCT-shirt8 . AshortBquietCexercise9 . AbeforeBagoCnow10 . AactiveBquietCright11 . I like them _ much. ( )AveryBtoo选择正确的选项,补全单词。12 . b_o_ ( )Ak; oBo; kCe; o13 . cr_yo( )Aa; nBe; oCe; m14 . b_ _ ( )AgaBogCag15 . y_ _r ( )AueBoeCou16 . n_ ( )AaBoCu17 . Read and choose.(选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词。)(_)1.shA. iB. yC. r(_)2.Fday.A. I; rB. r; iC. r; a(_)3.swm.A. iB. aC. e(_)4.plnt.A. eB. uC. a(_)5.brie.A. g; dB. b; gC. d; g18 . 选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。(_)1. tother A. eg B.ge C. ee(_)2.ting A. fa B. wo C. ou(_)3. re A. id B.ad C.ed(_)4. grdparent A. ea B. an C. ar(_)5. fily A. am B. an C. ma19 . 选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. usually B. often C. after(_) 2. A. pick B. make C. always(_) 3. A. autumn B. cool C. warm(_) 4. A. October B. November C. chocolate(_) 5. A. whatB. when C. please20 . 选择正确的一项,补全单词。(_) 1. f _ th _rA. a; aB. u; eC. a; e(_) 2. s _ st _ rA. i; eB. a; eC. i; i(_) 3. t _ nA. aB. eC. i(_) 4. gr _ ndm _ A. a; uB. e; oC. a; a(_) 5. d _ dA. yB. aC. e21 . (题文)This is _ friend, Amy. ( )AmyBshe22 . I _ visit Big Ben. ( )AmayBwill23 . Fruit and vegetables are _ food. ( )AcleanBhealthChealthy24 . _ome ( )AhBgCk25 . 选择合适的选项补全单词 f_n_sh ( )Aa; iBe; iCi; i26 . Candy is _. ( )AsourBshortCsweet27 . Pork and mutton are_. ( )AfruitsBmeatCVegetablesDrice28 . There are many_in our school.AtreeBtreesCa tree29 . 根据汉语意思选择字母补全单词。(_) 1. sh _ (她) A. o B. e C. a(_) 2. m _ ther( 妈妈) A. a B. o C. u(_) 3.th_ n(瘦的) A. i B f C. o(_) 4. m _ n (男的) A. a B. o C. r(_) 5. sm_ _l(小的) A. o, a B. a, l C. u, u30 . that Mrs. Green? ( )AIsBAreCDoe31 . Could I look at your pictures? ( )Yes, of course you _.AcanBneedCmustDmay32 . Im the _. ( )AwinBwinningCwinner33 . I sometimes _ at 6:00 am. ( )AhaveBgoes shoppingCget up选择合适的选项补全单词。34 . w _ _k ( )AaeBeiCea35 . nev_ _ ( )AreBorCer36 . h _ _ it ( )AapBabCba37 . f _ n _sh( )Ai; iBe; tCu; t38 . happi _ _( )AliBlyCyl选出正确的一项补全单词39 . eleph_t ( )AanBenCon40 . tig_ ( )AeeBreCer41 . l_n ( )AoiBioCie42 . g_affe ( ) AreBieCir43 . g_ssland ( )AreBraCro44 . jun_e ( )AgyBflCgl45 . du_k ( )AgBflCc46 . fr_g ( )AgBoCc47 . - How old is your sister? ( )- Five, so she _ read _ write, but she can draw.Acant, orBcouldnt, andCcan, andDmust, from48 . -_he play basketball? ( )-Yes, he can.ADoesBIsCCan49 . Mr Li _. ( )Ateachs us EnglishBteach our EnglishCteaches us ChineseDteaches our Chinese二、填空题50 . 根据句意选择合适的单词填空。AinBatCtoDfor1. Daming is playing the suona _ the third time.2. They are flying the kite, but it starts _ rain.3. I am very interested _ space travel.4. We had a happy time _ school.读句子,用所给动词的适当形式填空。51 . Ann _ (go) to the park every day.52 . He likes _ (plant) flowers.53 . Sometimes we _ (not watch) TV.54 . My mother and I are _ (cook).55 . Wang Kai_ (have) more than 20 model ships.56 . He often _ (read) books in the evening.57 . They love _ (dance).58 . My sister _ (want) to be a nurse.59 . She _ (not take) photos every day.60 . My hobby is _ (write) stories.选词填空can cant run winner far you61 . Can you _ fast?62 . _ cant row a boat.63 . Im the _.64 . _ you jump high?65 . I can jump _.66 . 完成句子1._(Do) Nancy usually get up at six?2. She likes _ (read) newspapers, but she _ (read) a book yesterday.3. Look! She is _ (cry).67 . Look , he is _(play)the violin .按要求写单词。68 . has(原形)_69 . thin(比较级)_70 . I(宾格)_71 . big(比较级)_72 . see(过去式)_73 . their(同音词)_74 . go(第三人称单数形式)_75 . sit(现在分词)_76 . fish(复数)_77 . tall(反义词)_78 . 用括号内所给单词过去式填空。1.DidCarol_(come)withus?2.Lets_(buy)something.3.I _ (meet) my friends last night.4.They_(read)a storybookyesterdaymorning.5. I_(see)a filmlastweek.三、单词拼写79 . 根据提示写单词。How many _(文具盒)do you have?Two.根据首字母填空80 . Its a w_ day. Lets fly kites.81 . I am thirsty, I need something to d_.82 . There were many clouds in the sky, it was c_ yesterday. Today it is r_, you should take an umbrella.83 . My mother t_ me a story every day when I was a c_.84 . Last Sunday we f_ kites in the park.85 . 根据例子写出下列词的对应词。86 . 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1.Jim is two years y_ than Ben.2.I often go to school on foot, but s_ by bike.3.She can p_ the book on her finger ,but I cant.4.I want to w_ an e-mail.5.Helen is 163cm. she is as t_ as Nancy.87 . 选出正确选项,补全单词。(_) 1. y_ ngA. on B. ou C. au(_) 2. c_ meA. i B. e C. o(_) 3. sh_ingA. op B. opp C. pp(_) 4. gr_ tA. ea B. aa C. ae(_)5. l_ v_A. a, i B. e, i C. i, e88 . I will(缩写形式)_89 . 补全单词。1. h_me2. sp_ce3. e_rth4. tr_vel90 . 将单词按正确的顺序排列1.blcbokaard_ 2.scolbhaog_3.lihtg_ 4.sanek_91 . 填入单词中所缺的字母,并写出中文意思。1. Chnse( ) 2. Mths( )3. hae( ) 4. lik( )5. Enlish ( ) 6. esy( )92 . 根据所给词语提示,请你将下面的短文补充完整。Lily is an _(英国的) girl. She is _ (十一岁). She goes to school at _ (七点钟). She _ (有) a red bicycle. She goes to school by bike every day.Lily likes _ (冬天). Its _ (寒冷的). But they have _ (圣诞节) in England. She _ (唱歌) with her friends. And they have _ (糖果) and _ (花生). She has many presents. She likes presents.Jack is Lilys brother. He likes _ (秋天). Its _ (凉爽的). He plays _ (足球) and _ (篮球) with his _ (父亲).93 . 根据所给汉语意思,补全单词:th _ k (思考)94 . 根据汉语意思,补全单词:fr _ (从起)95 . 把单词补充完整并写出其汉语意思。1. sis_er( )2. h_p_y ( ) 3. br_th_r( ) 4. b_ok ( ) 5. p_n( ) 6. pa_d_ ( ) 7. f_m_ly( ) 8. h_ve( )9. l_ttl_ ( )10. fr_end ( )96 . 默写单词1. 数学 _ 2.二十_3.肯帮助的,有用的_ 4.加,加上_5.更多的,另外的 _四、匹配题97 . 请把图片序号填入相应单词括号内,并掌握认读下列单词。ABCDE1. umbrella (_)2. department store (_)3. shop assistant (_)4. wheel (_)5. pocket (_)五、看图题98 . Look and write: Have you got some_?99 . 看图写单词。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _看图,写出相应的单词。100 . _101 . _102 . _103 . _104 . _105 . _106 . _看图片,回答问题。107 . Whats this?_108 . Whats this? _109 . Whats that? _110 . Whats this? _111 . Whats that? _看图,写单词或短语。112 . _113 . _114 . _115 . _116 . _117 . _118 . _119 . _六、连线题120 . 看图连线。第 15 页 共 15 页

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