长春市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元测试卷(I)卷

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长春市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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长春市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元测试卷(I)卷_第3页
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长春市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The beds in the bedroom. ( )AisBareCam2 . I have _ room now.( )Aa newBan bigCisD/3 . His glasses _ blue.( )AamBisCare4 . John is in front _ the tree.AofBforCto5 . The boy is _the tree. ( )AbesideBbetweenCbehind6 . My father can _ very well. ( )AdrawBdrawsCdrawing7 . There is _ milk here.Aa lotBmanyClots of8 . There _ a big bed in the bedroom. ( )AamBisCare9 . ( )ApigBcat10 . - do you go to school? ( )-At 6:40.AWhenBHowCWhat11 . There _ a banana on the plate. ( )AisBareCam二、任务型阅读观察图片,判断正误。12 . The photo is above the clock. (_)13 . There is a plant beside the bed. (_)14 . There is a water bottle above the desk. (_)15 . The photo is behind two windows.(_)16 . There is a computer beside the desk. (_)三、句型转换17 . 按要求完成下列各题。【小题1】my/ postcards/ from/ there/ are/ China (.) (连词成句)_【小题2】more/ than/ twenty/ Wall/ thousand/ the/ Great/ is/ kilometres/ long (.)(连词成句)_【小题3】lots/ of/ lakes/ there/ are/ in/ China (.)(连词成句)_【小题4】I am going to the Great Wall. (对划线部分填空)_【小题5】There are many students on the playground. (变一般疑问句) _四、选内容补全对话选择正确的句子补全对话ADo you have a computer?BWhat is it in your hand?CLets play together next weekend.DCan you play computer games?EThank you.A: Hi, Jenny. Come and look.B: OK. 18 . A: Its a photo of my bedroom.B: Wow, your bedroom is really nice.A: 19 . B: 20 . A: Yes. Its in the study.B: 21 . A: Yes, I can. But I can use the computer only on the weekend.B: Good. 22 . A: Great!五、看图题23 . Look, read and circle:This is a(cat / tiger).六、书面表达24 . 看图写一篇小短文。提示: air-conditioner空调This is my bedroom. _第 5 页 共 5 页

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