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郑州市2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(八)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Tom _to school by bike before. But now he goes by bus. ( )AgoesBgoingCwent2 . 看英文选中文。1. 妈妈 A. dadB. mom2. 包A. bagB. bike3. 朋友 A. friendB. her4. 计算机 A. computerB. come in5. 房间 A. room B. his3 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AwantBlookCwhatDtake4 . Keep to the left. ( )AB5 . 选出正确的选项( )AcapBcoat6 . Therea shop here twenty years ago. ( )AisBwasCwere7 . Mao Tian has stars. ( )Asixteen sixBsixty sixCsixty-sixDsixteen- six8 . What _ Zoom do last weekend? ( )AdoesBdid9 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbedBafterCmedicine10 . There is a monkey the tree. ( )AatBonCin11 . Whats your name?AMy names Mike.BThis is Mike.CNice to meet you,Mike.12 . 根据所给图片选出相应单词。(_)1. A. soup B. rice(_)2. A. fish B. meat(_)3. A. noodles B. broccoli(_)4. A. rice B. soup13 . Tom will go _ tomorrow. ( )AswimBswimingCswimming14 . I_ to the supermarket on foot last weekend. ( )Awas goBgoCwent15 . 根据给出的话题词,选择相关的单词。(_) 1.age A. 11cm B. 11 C.11kg(_) 2.weekend A. Monday B. Sunday C. Tuesday(_) 3.took A. look B. cook C. ate(_) 4.place A. hospital B. pictures C. bike(_) 5.holiday A. Chinese B. before C. May Day二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello,mynameisAmy.Igetupatsixforty.Ihavebreakfastatseventen.AndthenIgotoschool.Ihavefourclassesinthemorningandtwoclassesintheafternoon.Ihavelunchinthelunchroomatschool.Igohomeatfourfifty.Ihavedinneratsevenoclock.Igotobedatninethirty.16 . Amygetsupat _. ( )A6:40B6:30C6:0017 . Amyhas_ at7:10. ( )AlunchBdinnerCbreakfast18 . Amyhas_ classesaday. ( )AfourBsixCfive19 . Amyhaslunch _. ( )AatschoolBathomeCat10:00三、填空题20 . Think and write: Linda works _.21 . 根据汉语提示完成句子1. _(英国的首都) is London.2. The capital of Shandong is _.3. File Hyde Park is _.(很美丽)4. Big Ben is _.(又高又古老)5. The Queen _ (住在) the Buckingham Palace.22 . 根据首字母提示,补全句子:-How much is it? -Its three d_.23 . Class the words(给下列单词归类)AfiveBshortCheDthree E.thin F.peach G.meH. orange1.she_2.fat_3.four_4.pear_24 . 按要求写单词1.catch(过去式)_ 2.real (副词)_3.foolish (反义词)_ 4.cloudy (名词)_5.were (原形)_ 6.bring (过去式)_7.Mike (名词所有格)_ 8.we (宾格)_9.much (近义词)_ 10.hear (同音词)_25 . 填空题1. visit的现在分词是_. 2. tall的比较级是:_3. building的复数形式是:_ 4.“十千克”用英语说是:_5. I live in the_(农村).6. He usually_(踢足球)after school.根据给出的提示完成下列题。26 . There are _cats. 27 . My _(pen) is old. But their _(pen) are new.28 . I _ (listen) to music with my friends last week.29 . How many _ (desk) are there in your class? There are 40.30 . 根据句意及图片提示补全句子:The boy is carrying an _.补充句子31 . Let s_(制作)a puppet.32 . This is _(一支)arm.33 . They like English. So they j_ English club.四、单词拼写34 . 看图,写出正确的单词:_五、任务型阅读读对话, 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Mum: Wake up, Jim. Its time to get up.Jim: Oh, I want to sleep. What time is it now?Mum: Look! Its 6:50.Jim: 6:50! Oh, dear! Im late for school.Mum: No, its Saturday. You have no classes.Jim: Thank you, Mum.35 . Its time to school. (_)36 . Jim is late for school. (_)37 . Its time for bed. (_)38 . Jim has no classes on Saturday. (_)39 . Its six thirty now. (_)六、句型转换句型转换40 . I often go to school by bus. (对划线部分提问)_41 . Lily is sitting under the tree.(对划线部分提问)_42 . Go at a red light.(变为否定句)_43 . Tom usually does some cleaning at home.(对划线部分提问)_44 . There are some students in the library.(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_句型转换。45 . Jim is catching a pest in the tree.(改一般现在时)Jim usually _ in the tree.46 . My parents are cleaning the house at home.(对划线部分提问)_ your parents _ at home?47 . There is some juice in the fridge. (对划线部分提问)_ in the fridge?48 . Our school has fifty teachers.(改同义句)_ fifty teachers in our school.49 . There are five cups of apple juice on the table. (对划线部分提问)_ apple juice are there on the table?50 . The meat is yummy.(对划线部分提问)_ the meat?51 . have, this, spots, many ladybird, how, does (连词成句)_?52 . 将下列句子改成否定句:Mary is studying English._53 . I fell over on the floor.(变为否定句)I _over on the floor.按要求完成句子。54 . I usually go fishing on Sundays(对画线部分提问) _ you usually_on Sundays?55 . There were some buses in the street. (改为一般疑问句)_56 . Give me the mobile phone.(改为同义句)Give the mobile phone _.57 . We are going to see a parrot show tomorrow.(划线部分提问)_58 . Smoke from cars makes the city dirty.(对划线部分提问)_ the city dirty?59 . We shouldnt waste water.(改为同义句)We _ water.七、选内容补全对话60 . 补全对话A:How many stars are there?B:五颗星星,其中一颗大星星,四颗小星星。八、连词成句连词成句。61 . do / Yes / I (, .)_62 . and / nose / are / her / eyes / small (.)_63 . to / Welcome / art / our / clay / show (.) _64 . is / Lily / winner / the (.) _65 . my / to / welcome / home (.) _66 . 连词成句。1. you to all nice again see_(.)2. so tired you are why_(?)3. books new are cool the_(.)连词成句。67 . body, food, needs, our (.)_68 . with, can, we, food, play, work, and (.)_69 . your, food , what, is favorite (?)_70 . 连词成句1. are, old, you, how (?)_2. name, my, is, Fido (.)_3. am, seven, I (.)_4. is, name, what, your (?)_5. Wang Tao, are, old, how, you (?)_71 . 连词成句【小题1】house, nice, was, his (.)_【小题2】you, questions, can, ask, any (?)_【小题3】had, in, park, we, lunch, the (.)_九、书面表达72 . 同学们,你们对职业了解了多少?你会用英语表达吗?写一篇小作文,介绍一下你和你的家人的职业、爱好以及出行方式。不少于五句话。_第 11 页 共 11 页

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