郑州市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷(I)卷

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郑州市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出下列单词的汉语意思,把答案的序号填在括号内。A 白色的 B 蓝色的 C 红色的 D 粉红色的 E 橙色的 F 紫色的 G 绿色的 H 棕色的 I 黄色的 J 黑色的【小题1】black(_)【小题2】orange (_)【小题3】yellow (_)【小题4】brown (_)【小题5】purple (_)【小题6】white(_)【小题7】blue(_)【小题8】pink (_)【小题9】green(_)【小题10】red(_)2 . 选择不同类的一项:( )AwillBisCare3 . Is there _ in todays paper?( )Anew anythingBnew somethingCanything newDsomething new4 . Look there! Amy a book. ( )Ais readBis readingCreading5 . China is _. ( )AchangeBchangingCchangeing6 . Its 8 oclock. Its time _ English class. ( )AtoBforCof7 . Lingling feels _ to sing in class.( )AshyBsad8 . Howmany_arethereinthepicture?( )AwomanBwomenCboyDmilk9 . He _football now, but they _ basketball just now. ( )Ais play; playBis palying; playedCplays; played10 . The Earth looks like a _ in space. ( )AearBsunCball看图片,选出相应的单词或短语11 . AplaneBtrain12 . Atraffic lightsBtraffic rule13 . ApolicemanBengineer14 . Aride a bikeBplay the violin15 . Apost officeBbookstore16 . I_my room every day, but now I_. ( )Aclean, am readingBam cleaning, readingCam cleaning, am readingDclean, read17 . 选出每组中不同类的单词(_)A.penB.rulerC. toyAeraser(_)A.likeB.furC.play(_)A.myB.yourC.you(_)A.rubberB.runC.ruler(_)A.TomB.PeterC.Alice18 . Ann is my _ .AsisterBbrotherCfather19 . The students are talking their hobbies. ( )AinBforCabout二、填空题20 . 用适当形式填空:Today my mother is_(go) shopping.21 . 语法填空1.They _(go)home by bus yesterday.2.I _ (come) back at four this afternoon.3.We need _ (buy) some sausages and ice-cream in the market.4.Jim _(like) reading on his computer.5.The animals _ (be) afraid of tigers. Look, they _ (run) away.选词填空。22 . Mr Hu _ a bike.(have/ has/ there is)23 . Id like some _ (soup/ noodles). 24 . _(Clap/ Shake) your hands. 25 . 选词填空。AisBareCamDinEon1.Sam is going to run _ the park.2.What are you going to do _ sports day?3.Swimming _ my favourite sport.4.We _ going to have sports day.5.I _ the winner.26 . 根据图片完成句子。1. She is _the room.2. They often _ breakfast at eight oclock.3. They _ boating yesterday.4. The bird is _ in the sky now. 5. They are _ ice cream. 用所给词的适当形式填空。27 . They are _ (cheer) for the party.28 . I _ (hit) the dog with the stone just now.29 . They run to the classroom _ (quick).30 . I want _ (reach) the pears.31 . Wang Bing _ (write) an email to his friend now.32 . Hes _ (real) good at English.33 . I _ (go) to a shopping centre last Sunday.34 . We couldnt _ (find) our football.三、任务型阅读阅读材料Today all hats are very cheap. They are pretty, too. We have many pretty colours for you. The black T-shirt is fifteen yuan. The green bag is nice. You can try them on. The pink dress is beautiful. But it is not cheap. The pink socks are cheap, they are two yuan. Come and see them quickly!能力测试根据上面短文的意思填空,把正确的答案填写在横线上。35 . Today all _are very cheap(便宜).36 . The black T-shirt is _yuan.37 . The _dress is beautiful.38 . The pink socks are cheap, they are _yuan.39 . _and see them today!四、句型转换按要求改写句子。40 . He tries on the new clothes. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ on the new clothes?41 . She comes to school by bus. (对画线部分提问)How _ she _ to school?42 . Show Sam his bike. (改为同义句)Show_Sam.43 . Su Hai and Su Yang live near the park. (对画线部分提问)_ Su Hai and Su Yang_?44 . He cant go to school today because hes ill. (对画线部分提问)_to school today?45 . Mr Green goes to work by bus. (改为同义句)Mr Green_.46 . I have to go now. (改为同义句)I_now.按要求改写句子。47 . I usually watch TV at seven.(对画线部分提问)_ usually watch TV?48 . Its eight oclock.(对画线部分提问)_ is it?49 . I can see a banana on the table.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ a banana on the table?50 . I usually get up at seven.(对画线部分提问)_ you usually get up?51 . Its time for dinner.(同义句转换)Its time _ dinner.句型转换。52 . Can you tell me about fire safety? (改成肯定句)_53 . Yaz lives in a cave. (根据划线部分提问)_54 . Ben, hold the glass of water alcove the paper, please. (改成否定句)_55 . The window is made of glass. (根据划线部分提问)_56 . The wind blows strongly in winter. (根据划线部分提问)_57 . He has to stop because it is bad for him.(改为一般过去式)_58 . 句型转换。按要求改写下列句子,每空只填一词。1. They had a good time in Beijing.(改为同义句)They _ _ in Beijing.2. I learn English by listening and speaking.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ English?3. She went to Beijing last year.(改为否定句)She _ _ to Beijing _ _.4. Tom does his homework carefully. (改为感叹句)_ _ Tom _ his homework!5. Mary, water the flowers.(改为现在进行时)Mary _ _ the flowers.五、匹配题59 . 交际搭配我会选。(_)1. Whats he like?(_)2. Whos your Chinese teacher?(_)3. Is she young?(_)4. Do you know her?(_)5. I have a clever dog.ANo, she isnt.BMs. Wang.CHe is polite.DWow.EYes, I do.第 10 页 共 10 页


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