贵阳市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试卷(一)(I)卷

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贵阳市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试卷(一)(I)卷_第1页
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贵阳市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试卷(一)(I)卷_第3页
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贵阳市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试卷(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Touch your eyes with your fingers _ . Aten timesBten timeCfor ten times2 . Your _ are bigger. ( )AfeetBfoot3 . - _ is the art room? ( )- Its next to Classroom 2.AWhatBWhereCHow二、情景交际4 . How many children can you see?(用“十六个”回答)_5 . 问别人你喜欢什么季节怎么说?AWhat season do you like?BWhat colour do you like?6 . 你想知道现在几点了,你该怎么说:( )AWhat are you doing now?BWhat time is it now?三、填空题7 . 选词填空。(20分)I_a new English teacher.She is _ White._ very kind and active.We all _ her.Because her _ is so funny.She is _ and strong.She _big eyes and _hair.She _ apples _much.四、任务型阅读8 . 阅读理解,判断所给句子是否与短文一致,一致的用 “T”表示,否则用“F”。Hello! My names Amy. Im from Canada. I have two dogs. The brown dog is big and strong. Its four years old. Its 56cm tall. Its tail is 17cm long. The white one is small and thin. Its only two years old. Its 26cm shorter than the brown one. Its tall is only 11cm long. But its very funny.【小题1】Amy has three dogs. (_)【小题2】The brown dog is stronger than the white one. (_)【小题3】The white dog is younger and funnier. (_)【小题4】The little dog is only 26cm tall. (_)【小题5】The brown dogs tail is 6cm longer than the white one. (_)五、匹配题9 . 给下列问句选择恰当的答语。AYes, he has.BYes, he does.CIts on your desk.DYes, I have.ENo, she hasnt.(_) 1. Have you got a bike?(_) 2. Wheres my car?(_) 3. Has she got a new sweater?(_) 4. Has Sam got a coat?(_) 5. Does your brother go to school by bus?六、看图题根据图片,写单词。10 . _11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _七、仿写句子15 . 仿照例句,写句子。(“”表示想要去,“”表示不想去)例:()I want to go to the post office. ()I dont want to go to the bookstore. 1. ()_2. ()_3. ()_4. ()_第 4 页 共 4 页

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