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贵州省2019版六年级下册期中测试英语试卷(2)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They are _ books. ( )AseeingBreadingCwatching2 . How can we _there? ( )Aget toBgo toCget3 . The food is bad. We cant eat_. ( )AthemBitCus4 . Mr Chen is a good teacherWe all like _( )AhimBheChisDher5 . I like running. I like ping-pong. ( )AtooBalsoCcan6 . 读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个(_) 1. A. by shipB. by planeC. go home(_) 2. A. hospitalB. museumC. helmet(_) 3. A. turn rightB. turn leftC. on foot(_) 4. A. stopB. waitC. sled (_) 5. A. mustB. oftenC. sometimes7 . _ do you do _ the weekend? ( ) I often play music at home.AWhat; inBWhen; onCWhat; on8 . _ you see the sign over there? ( )AcanBcantCCant9 . Lookthe people on the Lake. ( )AatBonCin10 . Liu Tao does _ at school and all his classmates and teachers like him. ( )AgoodBbadCbadlyDwell11 . The headmaster _ the students to leave school early. ( )AmadeBletCorderedDhad12 . How many_ can you see?( )I can see one_ .Amonkeys; monkeyBa monkey; monkeysCmonkey; monkey选出不同类的单词。13 . AsadBfeelChappy14 . AafraidBworriedCill15 . AdoctorBsingingCdancing16 . ApopcornBfilmClollipop17 . AcoldBhotCoutside18 . Kim and Sue love _ letter. ( )AmanyBthreeCevery19 . 找出与所给单词画线部分含有相同音素的选项。( )(1)makeApan Bfast Ccake( )(2)cookAbook Bnoodles Cfood( )(3)loveAdo Bto Csome( )(4)putAbus Bup Cpush二、阅读选择根据短文,选出正确的答案。Xiaoming is ill now. He didnt eat or drink. So his mother took him to see the doctor. At the Doctors. Doctor: Whats the matter?Xiaoming: Ive got a stomach ache. Doctor: What did you do yesterday?Xiaoming: I ate some sweets and biscuits. I went to bed late. Doctor: Take this medicine. And drink a lot of water. Xiaoming: OK! Thank you!20 . Xiaoming is _ now. ( )AsadBhappyCill21 . Xiaoming has got a _ . ( )AheadacheBstomach acheCcold22 . What did Xiaoming do yesterday? ( )AHe ate some sweets and biscuits.BHe played football,CHe played computer games.23 . Did he go to bed early? ( ) AYes, he did.BNo, he didnt.CWe dont know.24 . What did the doctor tell him? ( )ATake the medicine.BDrink a lot of water.CA and B阅读理解。Wednesday 23 MayDear Kim,We arrived at Holiday Cove on Monday and we are having lots of fun.The flight was so boring. I nearly fell asleep but at least everything went wellnot like last time.When we landed we went straight our camp. My cousin Emma is staying next to us.I am excited because we are going to visit the crocodile farm tomorrow. Peter is scared and says he wants to go to see the kangaroos instead.TomP.s. We are leaving for Rest Harbour on Friday.25 . Who is the postcard (明信片) to? ( )AKimBEmmaCTom26 . Which country does the postcard come from? ( )ACanadaBChinaCAustralia27 . How did Tom go the Holiday Cove? ( )ABy plane.BBy car.CBy ship.28 . Why does Peter want to see the kangaroos instead? ( )ABecause he visited the crocodile farm before.BBecause he is scared to see the crocodiles.CBecause he likes to see the kangaroos very much.29 . Tom is leaving for Rest Harbour on _. ( )AWednesdayBThursdayCFriday三、完形填空完形填空。Animals_our friends. My family and I_like animals. My father_ birds. He has two _. Every morning he has a walk_his birds. The birds like_ in the morning. My mother likes_. She has a black cat. My sister likes dogs. She has a white dog. It has big _ and a big mouth. Its good at_. I have a _. It has long ears and a short tail. I usually play with it after dinner.30 . AamBisCare31 . AallBbothCtoo32 . AlikeBlikesCliking33 . AbirdsBthe birdsCbird34 . AwithBandCto35 . AsingBsingsCsinging36 . AcatBcatsCthe cat37 . AeyesBeyeCan eye38 . ArunBrunningCruns39 . ArabbitBfishCbear四、填空题40 . 动词(三步曲,固定时态-人称)1.Mike is happy _(visit) Jacks home.2.Tom and his brother _(see) the film now.3.They_(dance) in the room now.4._they_(have) a party just now? No, _.5.My brother often _(read) books in the library.41 . 选词填空。football dancer well at all basketball can cant1. She can play the piano.2. My leg hurts, so Iplay football.3. She is tall, she can playwell. 4. Im good at dancing, I will be a when I grow up.5. I cant run fast.6. He runs fast , he can playwell.7. Iplay the drums well. 42 . 从方框中选择单词或词组,并用其正确形式完成句子。sing aremaketry onlook at(1)Helen and her sister are_their new clothes.(2)They dont like_. And they dont like music either.(3)Nancy_her cat and shouted.(4)There_a lot of flowers in the park last year.(5)Ben wants_a birthday card for his teacher.五、任务型阅读43 . Read and fill with words.(阅读短文,完成海报)-Hi, Lily. Where are you going this weekend?- Im going to go rock climbing in Zhongshan Park.- What time?- 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. Would you like to go with me?-Oh, yeah! How do we go to Zhongshan Park?-By subway.-Where do we meet on Sunday?-At our school gate.- Thats good. Lets make a poster, so more people will come.Rock Climbing Do you want to _in Zhongshan Park? Time:_Meeting Place:_Transportation:_六、英汉混合英汉互译。44 . 放学后_45 . 打乒乓球_46 . 一场足球比赛_47 . 一节游泳课_48 . 在星期六_49 . All right!_50 . What a pity!_51 . have a Chinese lesson _52 . every day _53 . get up _七、句型转换Read and write. 句子转换。54 . You were in China for two years.(变否定句)_55 . This park is different.(变一般疑问句)_56 . Do you like the park now?(肯定回答)_57 . There is a big playground.(变一般疑问句)_八、填内容补全对话58 . 看图完成小短文,每空一词At the weekend, Helen always has 1._lessons. She sometimes 2._to the _and _a _with her family. Mike usually 3._with Liu Tao on the playground. Sometimes he 4._a _with his family in the park. He always 5._with his friends on the _on Sunday evenings.九、选内容补全对话选择合适的词组填空large and strong caught in the forestwith a big net small and weak didnt eatbecame good friends made a big holeThere was a lion and a mouse 59 . . The lion is 60 . , and the mouse is61 . . One day, the lion62 . the mouse. But he 63 . the mouse, he let the mouse go. The next day, two men caught the lion 64 . . And the mouse65 . in the net and helped the lion get out. At last, they66 . .十、书面表达67 . 小练笔。绘制一张父亲节的贺卡,并给父亲写几句表达感谢和祝福的话吧!第 10 页 共 10 页


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