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贵州省2020年五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(六)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。1 . AheadBteachCsweater2 . AbrownBsnowyCdown3 . AfrontBcomeCgot4 . AthereBtheseCthree5 . AhaveBfaceClake6 . He is helpful _ home. ( )AatBinCon7 . This is _ classroom. ( )AIByouCour选出不同类别的单词。8 . AwentBgoCcome9 . AwhenBwhoCback10 . AeatBmetCwait11 . AnoodlesBice creamCice12 . Ahurry upBinCup13 . _she _ a cold yesterday? ( )ADid, hadBDid, haveCDoes, has14 . I have a_( )ArulerBrulersCeraser15 . Let me_. ( )Aclean the doorBclean the floorCclean the wall16 . I _ a cat last week. ( )AsawBseeCseed17 . ( )AswimBmeat18 . Your book is under the chair. Please . ( )Apick up itBpick it upCpick them upDpick up them19 . 读一读,选出不同类的一项。( ) (1) A.chicken B.fish C.desk( ) (2) A.May B.Sunday C.June( ) (3) A.grapes B.brown C.green( ) (4) A.bus B.car C.jelly( ) (5) A.fifth B.sixty C.second( ) (6) A.summer B.spring C.Monday( ) (7) A.sunny B.rainy C.wind( ) (8) A.bird B.cat C.bread( ) (9) A.teacher B.tree C.farmer( ) (10) A.egg B.cut C.eat20 . Im going to _ the window soon. ( )AcloseBclosedCclosing21 . _ do you like winter?( )Because I can _ snow.AWhyplay withBWhen play onCHowplaying in22 . -Do you like this coat? ( )-Yes, I do. It fits _.AwellBgoodCbad选出画线部分读音与众不同的一项。23 . AvestBmeCpen24 . AbadBcatCwhat25 . AbigBpigCnine26 . AoldBboxCfrog27 . AthisBthatCthank28 . 划线字母发音不同的一项。( )AdadBbedCpetDany29 . desk 划线字母的发音:( )A B e C 30 . -_is the picture? ( )-Its on the desk.AWhatBWhereCWho31 . There is a computer _ my room. ( )AonBinCofDto32 . I like _ in Chinese lessons. ( )AwriteBto singCto write33 . I _ a big pizza yesterday. ( )AeatBateCeated二、填空题34 . Fill in the blanks.根据语言情境选择相应的单词补全短文。boat cute plane forest gave hiking lake really elephants visitI went to Kunming last summer holiday. Its interesting to_ Kunming. I went there by_.There is a famous Cui Lake. I rowed a _ there. There were many birds. I read a book by the_.Its _a beautiful place. There is a big_ in Xishuangbanna. I went _ with some new friends. I saw some_.I _ them some bananas. They are so_.What about your holiday?用所给词的适当形式填空。35 . Whats wrong with _ (he)?36 . You _ (should) eat too many sweets.37 . Are you taking _ (some) medicine?38 . You should brush your _ (tooth) before bedtime.39 . Why _ (do) Mike go to see the dentist?40 . Lets _ (play) and join them.41 . _ (not) open your mouth.42 . He often _ (do) housework at home.43 . Lisa _ (not do) her homework by herself.44 . He _ (go) to _ (see) the dentist.Read and write (用所给单词正确形式填空)45 . Here _(be) some bread for you.46 . Dont _(ride) the bicycle on the road.47 . Please give_(I) that book.48 . How many_(class) are there in your school?49 . Where is _(you)white rubber?50 . We are _ (play) the guitar now. Can you_(play)?51 . He _(have) got a football._(have) you got a football?52 . There _(be) a bird and two kites in the street.53 . Look! The monkey_(look) at us.54 . Tom, Lets_(have ) breakfast together.55 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空:We need some _ (banana).56 . 选出括号中正确的词。(_) 1.May I have(you/your)name?(_) 2.(He/His) nameisMark.(_) 3.(What/ How) old are you?(_) 4.Excuse(me/my/I).(_) 5. Whats wrong (with/ for) you?(_)6.You have (an/ a) bad cold.(_) 7.(Can/ what) I go to school tomorrow?(_) 8.I hope you will get (good/ well) soon.(_) 9.Howoldis(he/his)?57 . 用 “ it”或者 “ them” 填空A: I send you an English book. Did you get 1.【小题1】. B: Yes, I got 2. 【小题2】.A: Look at the dress. Do you like 3.【小题3】.B: No, I don t like 4.【小题4】.A: The shoes look nice. Do you want 5.【小题5】.B: Yes, I want 6.【小题6】.A: The children fell off their bikes.B: Let s help 7【小题7】.三、单词拼写58 . lots of (同义短语) _59 . grandpa(对应词)_60 . 补全本课出现的单词1. p_ty2. surp_se3. b_thday4. v_lin 5. ha_en61 . wish(复数形式)_四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。Hi, Im Amy. Look at the picture. A rabbit is running. Two elephants are walking. What is the koala doing? It is swimming in the river. There is another koala in the tree. It is eating leaves. How cute! A mother kangaroo is jumping. The baby kangaroo is sleeping. I love kangaroos! Oh! There are two tigers. The big tiger is biting the other one. Theyre fighting.62 . Whats the rabbit doing?_63 . What are the two elephants doing? _64 . How many koalas are there? _65 . Whats the baby kangaroo doing? _66 . Does Amy love kangaroos? _五、句型转换67 . Thechildrenhadagoodtimeinthepark.否定句:_一般疑问句:_68 . 句型转换。(1)I like English very much. (改为否定句)I _ like English very much. (2)The grape is in my mouth. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the grape? (3)The boy can stand on the mans shoulder. (改为否定句)The boy _ stand on the mans shoulder.(4)It hasthree legs. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _does it _? (5)He jumps very high. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ he _ very high? _ , he _ .(6)Put your feet together.(改为否定句)_ put your _ together. (7)The boy is standing on the mans shoulders.(改为一般疑问句)_ the boy _ on the mans _?(8)They have five lessons every day.(对画线部分提问)_ _ lessons _ they have every day? (9)Can you put this pineapple on your head?(否定回答)_, I _. (10)touch ,three, toes,with ,times, your,fingers,your (.) (连词句) _句型转换。69 . She has already bought the plane tickets.(改为一般疑问句)_ she bought the plane tickets _?70 . My mother bough me a silk scarf. (改为否定句)My mother _ a silk scarf _ me.71 . Jack will take Flight MU586 to Los Angeles tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)_ will Jack take to Los Angeles tomorrow?72 . The dog found the people. (对画线部分提问)_the dog_?73 . We are playing music on this special day.(变为一般疑问句)_ playing music on this special day?六、改错74 . 圈出句子中错误的一项并改正:Shewash hercoat yesterday. (_)75 . 改错:What isyouhobby? _A B C76 . 改错。1. What your favourite season?_2. Because I can swim on the lake._3. Which season do your like best?_4. Spring come. They fly kites._77 . 改错题。1. She is 12 years old last year._改为_.2.They taked a lot of pictures._改为_.七、匹配题78 . 情景匹配。AGood idea. Lets go.BLook. Its on the playground.CNo, I cant.DLets go by minibus.ETheres a storybook on it.1.Can you use the spoon?(_)2.Whats in the desk?(_)3. Lets go to the bookshop. (_)4. How can we go there? (_)5. Wheres the volleyball? (_)第 10 页 共 10 页

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