贵州省2019年英语五年级下册UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY Lesson 25 练习卷1(I)卷

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贵州省2019年英语五年级下册UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY Lesson 25 练习卷1(I)卷_第1页
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贵州省2019年英语五年级下册UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY Lesson 25 练习卷1(I)卷_第2页
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贵州省2019年英语五年级下册UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY Lesson 25 练习卷1(I)卷_第3页
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贵州省2019年英语五年级下册UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY Lesson 25 练习卷1(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读理解It is eight oclock. The children (孩子们) go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot. It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually (通常)stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. It is four oclock in the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. It is six oclock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. It is nine oclock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But hes not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, hes reading an interesting (有趣的)book.1 . The children go to school _ every day. ( )Aby carBon footCby bikeDby bus2 . Mrs. Sawyer is going to _ this morning。( )Astaying at homeBgo shoppingCdrinking teaDwatching TV3 . Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at _in the living room. ( )A8:00B16:00C18:00D21:004 . Are the children doing their homework at the moment? ( )AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CYes, they are.DNo, they arent二、填空题给方框中的单词或短语分类,将其大写字母编号写在横线上。Anext toBmonkeyCbetweenDgreyEclockFdogGpinkH. sofaI. besideJ. chair5 . 介词(短语):_6 . 动物:_7 . 颜色:_8 . 物品:_三、英译汉9 . 写出下列单词的汉语意思1. enjoy traveling by train_2. take the taxi to the airport _3. walk to the library _4. take the bus to the subway station_5. ride a bike to a shopping center_6. over there_7. had better _8. tomorrow morning _9. every morning _10. come to school _11. this summer _12. famous for its sandy beach _13. go swimming _14. in the sea _15. every day _第 3 页 共 3 页

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