贵州省2020年英语六年级下册Unit 2 Last weekend 单元测试卷(I)卷

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贵州省2020年英语六年级下册Unit 2 Last weekend 单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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贵州省2020年英语六年级下册Unit 2 Last weekend 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I _ my wallet yesterday. ( )AlostBlosesClose2 . What did you do last weekend? ( )_AIm going to the cinema.BI watched TV.CI go shopping with my mother.3 . I _ going to play football tomorrow. ( )AisBareCam4 . I _ fishing with my father yesterday morning. ( )AgoBgoingCwent5 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(_)1.A.earB.mouthC.sport(_)2.A.gameB.writeC.take(_)3.A.mouseB.keyboardC.music(_)4.A.parkB.emailC.playground(_)5.A.listenB.seeC.often6 . It _ autumn ( ) .AisBaCdoes7 . What did you do yesterday?I _ _ home and did my homework.Astayed; atBstayed; inCstay; at8 . -Did you play football last Wednesday? ( )-Yes,_.Athey didBwe doCwe did9 . 选择不同类的单词。(_)1. A. hotelB. roomC. fix(_)2. A. lampB. tasteC. kitchen(_)3. A. badB. broken C. night(_)4. A. drankB. tea C. clothes(_)5. A. bookstore B. magazine C. book10 . Kitty her face every day. ( )AwashBwashesCclean11 . - are these apples?- Sixteen yuan, please.A、How many B、How old C、How much二、阅读选择12 . It is the last day of October today. It is my grandmas birthday. She lives with my uncle in Wuhan.This week I help my mother sell sweaters after school and I get sixty yuan. This morning, I buy a birthday cake and some flowers and go to my grandmas home with my parents.My grandma and uncle are very glad to see us. I give the presents to Grandma and say Happy birthday to you, Grandma. She is very happy. Uncle goes to make lunch for us. The meal is very nice. We all enjoy(享受)it very much. At four oclock in the afternoon, we say goodbye and go back home. When is Grandmas birthday?A.October 1.B.August 31.C.August 1.D.October 31.I buy _ for Grandma.A.nice sweaters and a birthday cakeB.black shoes and some flowersC.a birthday cake and some flowersD.nice sweaters and some flowersI _ after school this week.A.play foot ballB.buy clothesC.watch TVD.sell sweatersWe go back home at _.A.4 p.m.B.4 a.m.C.11 a.m.D.12 a.m.Which is right(正确)from the reading?A.My grandma lives with her daughter.B.My grandma is very happy to see us.C.My aunt makes lunch for us.D.Today is my uncles birthday.三、匹配题13 . 在栏中找到I栏中相应的答句,将序号填在括号内。栏栏(_)1.Whats the weather like in fall?AYes, I do.(_)2.Do you usually go shopping?BIts Monday.(_)3.What day is it today?CMy birthday is in May(_)4.Lets go to climb mountains.DGreat!(_)5.When is your birthday?EIts windy and cool.14 . 选出正确的中文意思。( ) 1、书桌上有多少本书?AWhats your aunts job?( ) 2、那是李强的父亲。BHow many books are there on the desk?( ) 3、你的姑姑是做什么工作的?CThere are four people are there in my family.( ) 4、这是你的小弟弟吗?DThats Li Qians father.( ) 5、在我家有四口人。 E、Is this your baby brother.四、看图题15 . 在空格上填上合适的单词,将句子补充完整。1.The classroom 1 is on the _.(一楼)2.What time is it?Its 9 am.Its time for_. (英语课)3.Is this a_? Yes , it is.(图书馆)4.Its _in Beijing today.(下雪)5.Its time to _.(回家)五、书面表达16 . 请为大家介绍你的一位好朋友。要求不少于10个完整的句子。第 6 页 共 6 页

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