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西安市2019年英语五年级上册专项训练:句子与情景交际(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . 放学后,奶奶问你想要一些面条吗,她该问:( )AWhat would you like?BDo you want some noodles?2 . 当别人让你坐下时,你应该说: _( )AThank you.BStand up, please.CSit down, please.3 . 你想知道对方叫什么名字,你应该怎样问? ( )AWhatsyourname?BWhatareyou?4 . 当你想确认对方是不是南希时,你应该说:( )AIm Nancy.BAre you Nancy?CYes, I am.5 . 你和朋友在玩藏藏找找的游戏,你觉得朋友猜得很好,你应该说:( )AGood guess!BThank you.CSure. Here you are.二、英译汉6 . 英汉翻译1. How many girls are there? _2. There are twelve girls._3. How many apples are there on the tree?_4. There are twelve apples on the tree._5. How many elephants can you see?_6. There is an elephant under the tree. _7 . 把下列英语句子翻译成汉语。1. Where is it going? Nobody knows. _2. Above the clouds, my kite goes._3. I put sticks on it._4. I tied strings to it._5. I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper._8 . 翻译下列句子。1. Lily is calling her grandpa at home._2. Hold on, please._3. Are you coming here with your parents this morning?_4. What are you doing?_5. You are a good girl._6. Mother is washing clothes in the bathroom._9 . 翻译:I didnt go to school today. _10 . 翻译1. 你喜欢果汁吗?_?2. 一个冰淇淋。_.3. All right, here you are._.4. Thank you very much._.三、汉译英11 . 句型1. 他早上起得早。_2. 他从不晚睡。_3. 他在家表现得也不错。_4. 他早上上学早。_5. 他有许多好习惯。_6. 他早上和睡觉前刷牙。_7. 王兵总是把他的东西整理得井井有条。_8. 他通常在晚饭前完成他的家庭作业。_9. 他有时早上感觉困。_10. 你昨天晚上睡觉晚吗,刘涛?_11. 让我带你们参观我们的房子。_12 . 翻译下列句子。1.他们正在干什么?_2.我们正在打羽毛球。_3.汤姆正在打网球。_4.你最喜欢的运动是什么?_5.我能和你一起打吗?_13 . 你太吓人了。You are _.14 . 翻译下列句子。1. 我们过了一个忙碌但却令人兴奋的周末。_ _ _ _ but exciting weekend.2. 上周日他们做什么了?他们做家务和购物了。What _ they _ _ Sunday?They _ _ and _ _.3. 贝蒂她父母昨晚不在家。Bettys parents _ _ _ yesterday.4. 他在打扫教室的时候,发现地上有块表。When he _ the classroom, he _ a watch on the ground.5. 他什么时候出生的?When _ he _?6. 我爸爸买给我一辆自行车。My father for me.15 . 根据中文提示,将下列句子补充完整。(每空一词)1. 在那两棵大树中间有个秋千。There is a swing _ the two big _.2. 操场上有多少个学生?How many_ there in the playground?3. 他是名作家。他在家写作。He is a_. He_ at home.4. 周末,他们常常去公园放风筝。They_ a kite in the park at weekends5. 猴子有长腿长手臂。Monkeys have long_ and long _.6. 请把书放到书包里。_ your book_ your school bag , please.四、句型转换按要求完成下列各题。16 . Thosearehorses.(改为一般疑问句)_ horses?17 . Thesearegreenbeans.(对画线部分提问)_?18 . Thatisagoat.(改为复数句)_.19 . aresoTheybig (.)(连词成句)_20 . areWhatthose (?)(连词成向)_Rewrite the sentences(根据要求改写句子)21 . Johns brother has lunch at school every day. (改为一般疑问句)_ Johns brother_lunch at school every day?22 . The girls like singing and dancing. (改为否定句)The girls_like singing_dancing.23 . Its warm and wet in spring in Shanghai. (对划线部分提问)_is the _in spring in Shanghai?24 . Our Maths teacher buys her daughter a yellow parrot.(换种表达,句意不变)Our Maths teacher _a yellow parrot _her daughter.25 . The children fly kites happily in the park.(对划线部分提问)_the children fly kites in the park?26 . 按要求改写句子。【小题1】Im going to read books this evening. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_ you _ read books this evening?No, _.【小题2】He will go to Shanghai by bus. (对划线部分提问)_ he go to Shanghai?【小题3】Helen will watch a film tomorrow.(用now改写句子)Helen _ a film now.【小题4】I will go fishing this weekend. (改为否定句)I _ fishing this weekend.十、Read and rewrite. 按要求改写句子。(10%)27 . Amy comes to school by bike.How _ Amy come to school?28 . My uncle works at sea.Where _ your uncle _?29 . Wu Yifans grandpa is a scientist.What _ Wu Yifans grandpa _?30 . I buy some food and drinks.What _ you _?31 . They finish work at 8:30.When _ they _?五、选内容补全对话完成对话。A. Good idea!B. What does the dress look like?C. What did you buy?D. Why?E. I went to the shopping mall( 购物中心 ).Mary: What did you do today?Lily: 32 . Mary: 33 . Lily: I wanted a dress, but I didnt buy one.Mary: 34 . Lily: Because the dress isnt my size(尺寸).Mary: I see! 35 . Lily: It is white and black. It is very nice.Mary: You can shop online.Lily: 36 . 六、改错37 . 改错:Shenzhen wasabig city now. (_)改为_A B C38 . Are the dog sleeping? _39 . 改错。1. I talking to my friend. _2. what is your doing?_3. what is he do? She listening to music._4. What Tom doing? She is takeing picture._5. What is Amy do? Amy is watch TV._6. He is do taijiquan._7. He playing a toy train._8. We is rowing boat._40 . 选出错误的一项并改正:It is in you bag! (_)_A B41 . 我是火眼金睛,我能找出错误并改正。(_)1. -What is they? -Theyremonkeys. _A B C(_)2. -Whatsthis? -Its a elephant. _A B C(_)3. She favourite colour is red. _A B C七、匹配题42 . 句子配对。(_)1. What did she have?AThere are seven. (_)2. Did you go shopping yesterday?BShe is Helen. (_)3. Who is the girl in the car?CShe had an egg and some milk. (_)4. Where is the cat?DNo, I didnt. (_)5. How many days are there in a week?EIt is on the chair.八、看图题43 . 根据图片完成句子:_drink milk.44 . 看图回答问题:-How old are you, Daming?- I am _.45 . 看图回答问题,补全句子:Daming usually _.看图,补全对话。46 . What day is today?It _.47 . What do you usually do on weekends?I usually go to see my _ and _ on weekends.48 . Whats the first day of the week?_.49 . How many English lessons do you have in a week?_ have _.50 . When do you have maths lessons?We have maths lessons on _ and _.51 . 根据图片,告诉Sam 该怎么去学校。Excuse me, where is the school? _九、连词成句52 . 连词成句:like, with, dogs, children, play, to (.)_53 . 连词组句。 dont grapes like I(.) My food favourite chicken is(.) can The English robot speak(.)you play Do football often(?) young pretty and Shes(.)54 . 连词成句。1. There, a, study, small, is, (.)_2. There, are, toys, in, some, living, the, room, (.)_3. Where, the, garden, is, (?)_连词成句我最行!55 . they the fridge Are on _(?)56 . change our Lets glasses_(.)57 . on Your are glasses bed the_(.)58 . you my Do see phone_(?)59 . not books Those my are_(.)60 . 单词排序1. bike, Usually, by, bookstore, go, I, to, the (.)_2. How, to, park, the, I, can, get (?)_连词成句。61 . like, I, photos, taking (.)_62 . is, eating, hobby, my (.)_63 . does, what, like, he (?)_64 . like, I, swimming (.)_65 . collecting, my, likes, father, stamps (.)_十、其他填空题66 . your,is,time,day,of,the,what,favourite?(连词成句)_.67 . I sometimes watch TV on Sundays.(英译汉)_.68 . Do you want to go to school with me tomorrow morning? (英译汉)_.69 . I like evening.(变否定句)_.70 . I sometimes do some homework in the afternoon. (英译汉)_.71 . Whats your favourite time of the day? (英译汉)_.72 . Do you want to go to the zoo?(作否定回答)_.73 . I usually make my bed in the morning.(变一般疑问句)_.74 . Mary usually studies Maths in the morning.(对划线部分提问)_.75 . What do you often do in the evening?_.76 . 根据提示回答下列问题。1. Can I go to school tomorrow?(take a rest)_2. Can I eat hamburger? (drink some water)_3. Can I go out with my friend? (stay in home)_按要求完成句子。77 . for time Its bed (.) 连词成句_78 . Its time to have breakfast.(改为同义句)_79 . What time is it?(看图回答)_80 . 七点了。该起床了。(翻译句子)_81 . 按要求完成句子。1. clean, lets , window,the (.) (连词成句)_2. We clean the chairs. (改为一般疑问句) _3. I clean the desk. (翻译句子)_4. Lets clean up. (翻译句子)_根据要求改写句子82 . The restaurant is on Park Street. (对划线部分提问)_83 . What are their names? (另写一句,意思相似)_84 . The mouse is afraid. (对划线部分提问)_85 . two, a, near, restaurant, my, there, shops, and, are, home(连词成句)_第 17 页 共 17 页

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