西安市2020年英语四年级上册Module 2单元测试卷(I)卷

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西安市2020年英语四年级上册Module 2单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Yesterday, we _ a little boy.( )AhelpBhelpedChelping2 . There _ two beautiful cats. ( )AamBisCare3 . What did you have _breakfast?( )AforBinCon4 . Why _ Nancy buy a book? ( )AdoBisCdoes5 . Use the fork your left hand. ( )AtoBwithCof6 . She _ short then . She _ tall now. ( )Awas , isBwere , isCis , was7 . There_two bowls of rice on the table. ( )AisBhaveCare8 . Froggy wants to be a_, but he is not good at_. ( )Asinger, singingBsinger, singCsing, sing9 . 选出翻译正确的一项。(_) 1. keeping pets. A.养宠物 B. 保持不动(_) 2. climbing rocks. A. 照相。 B. 攀岩(_) 3. taking photos. A. 照相。 B. 唱歌(_) 4. collecting stamps. A. 集邮。 B. 筹钱(_) 5. 试一试. A. have money B. have a try10 . How much is? ( )AitBitsCyou二、填空题Classify the words. 分类,填序号。AtomorrowBshipCtonightDcinemaEweekend FsubwayGscience museum H. train I. post office11 . weekend _12 . taxi _13 . hospital _根据中文提示补全句子。14 . Dont run on the _ (楼梯).15 . Look, the boy is crossing the road at the _ (安全十字路口).16 . The girl gets sick, because she _ (吃) a bad apple last night.17 . Students should know how to _ (保持安全).18 . You can call “110” when you are _ (遇到麻烦).单词分类,把单词写在相应的横线上。milk bowl sometimes bread glass bottle never hamburger usually water coke noodle19 . often _20 . can_21 . juice_22 . bun _23 . 根据句意及所给提示,完成下列句子1.The weather became_(sun).2.We should go to bed and get up early. Thats a good h_.3.Liu Tao _(完成) his homework first every day4.Helen, _(keep) your room clean and tidy, please.5.Mike isnt here. He_(计划) for his weekend in the study.6.I like playing the piano. I want to be a p_ in the future.24 . be, am, is, are, was, were1.I _ a boy. I will _a writer in the future.2.They _very young then . But now they _old.3. She_fat then. But now she _thin.25 . 用所给词的正确形式填空。(5%)(1)These animals are(call)dinosaurs.(2)Peking Man(get)water from the river nearby.(3)I really enjoyed(visit)Peking Mans home .(4)My sister(be)born in 1973.(5)Many people go _(shop)on Sundays.26 . 选择正确的词填空,使句意保持完整。to about on with in for1. Theyre _ the wrong place. 2. The books _ Shelf B are _ animals. 3. Lets put them _ the CDs. 4. Ive got books _ students. 5. Now we can ask them _ come.27 . 仔细阅读句子,用括号中给出的词的正确形式填空,使句子完整。1. Mary Chen _(go)to Lake School at eight oclock yesterday.2. Mr. Washington will_(play)football with his friends.3. I love_(work)with my computer.4. Beijing is one of the_(big)cities in the world.5. Look! Nick is_(read)the story book.28 . 用现在进行时完成下列句子。1._ you _ (fly) a kite? Yes, _.2. _ she _ (sit) in the boat?3. We _ (play) games now.4. What are you _(do) now? I _(eat) bread.5. Its nine oclock. My father_(work) in the office.29 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Peter _(like) reading stories.2. We like _ (swim) in summer.3. Toms_ (hobby) are swimming and singing.4. My friend _ (live) in a city.5. What is _ (you) hobby?三、填内容补全对话30 . 情景交际。A: 【小题1】 Where is the supermarket?B: 【小题2】, its near the bus station.A: Thank you.B: 【小题3】( in the supermarket )A: Look, Amy. 【小题4】B: Oh, its a toy car.A: 【小题5】B: Its twenty-five yuan.A: Ok, lets buy it.31 . 根据图片,完成句子。-Is it a dog? - No, _.- Is it a cat?- _, it is.-Is it a white cat?- No, its a white and _cat.-Is it a cat _ house?- No, its a cat in _.-Oh, its a _cat in box.根据课文内容完成对话,每空一词(J=Jenny, L=Li Ming, D=Danny)L: What a fine day today! Lets 32 . the Palace Museum.D/J: Good idea.J: Look, the Palace Museum is 33 . and 34 . .D: Its 35 . .L: Lets look 36 . the window. 37 . do you see, Jenny?J:I see some 38 . and 39 . . D: 40 . they new or old?J: They are 41 . .看图完成对话。42 . A: Look at this_. What does it_?B: It means “No cameras”.A: What_that mean?B: It_we_photos here.43 . A: Can I_on the grass?B: No, you_.A: _?B: Look at that sign. It means we_walk on the grass.A: I see.四、改错改错。44 . My teacher livesin a small village ten years ago._A B C45 . There wassomesupermarkets._A B C46 . Many things aredifferentof the past._A B C47 . The world ischange very fast._A B C48 . He didnthavesome legs then._A B C49 . 找出下列句中错误的一项并改正。Whatare forty plus fifty?(_)_A B C50 . 改错题。1. Where are you going to do this weekend?_2. Im going to stay in home._3. What are Peter going to do?_51 . 改错。1. What your favourite season?_2. Because I can swim on the lake._3. Which season do your like best?_4. Spring come. They fly kites._将错误的选项序号填入括号内,然后在横线上订正。52 . Whatareyou from?(_)_A B C53 . They dont have some lessons today. (_)_A B C54 . Helens mother cookevery day. (_)_A B C55 . There isachildren in the room. (_)_A B C56 . My motherlikesmake cakes for my family. (_)_A B C57 . 选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正:Theygo to school yesterday. (_)_A B C58 . 改错。(_)1. Helikeeggs very much._A B C(_)2.Therewerentsome cars._A B C(_)3. Thank youforhelp me._AB C(_)4. My grandmadance in lots of cities._A B C(_)5. Whatdoshe haveat dinner?_AB C D五、连词成句连词成句。59 . last, watched, I, about, television, a, China, program, night(.)_60 . lady, about, life, years, ago, an, old, talked, many, her(.)_61 . She, on, fire, cooked, a(.)_62 . didnt, have, television, a, a, radio, she, or(.)_63 . miss, I, grandma, my(.)_64 . 连词成句。(1) jobs, are, their, what ( ? )(2)that, boy, is, Davids, brother ( ? )(3)they, drivers, too, are ( , ? )(4)old, is, how, friend, your ( ? )65 . 连词成句。1. a fox has good clever a idea_2. you to late should go not bed_第 10 页 共 10 页

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