西宁市2019版英语六年级上册Unit 5signs单元测试卷(I)卷

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西宁市2019版英语六年级上册Unit 5signs单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选择划线字母读音与其它三个不同的单词(_)1、 A. food B. room C. good D. school (_)2、 A. head B. tea C. dream D. meat(_)3、 A. class B. glass C. ask D. and(_)4、 A. rice B.is C. ice D. nice(_)5、 A. bread B. team C. teacher D. read2 . Im very happy to get an e-mail _ my e-friend.AtoBfromCwith3 . Dont _, Tim. Helen is doing her homework. ( )AshoutedBshoutCshouting4 . People call the metro “_” in the UK. ( )AtrainBundergroundCsubway5 . Plant seeds _ the soil. ( )AonBunderCin6 . Have you got _ stamps from Canada? ( )AanyBsomeCmany7 . Look, its _ now. Do you know why we have _? ( )Asnowing; snowBrained; rainsCsnowing; snowyDrain; rain8 . ( ) I am going to _ trees.AbuyBplant9 . Can you teach me _ play pingpong?AtoB/Cwith10 . -Do you want _juice? ( )-No, thanks.AanyBmanyCsome11 . I often go _ with my father. ( )AshopBshopsCshopping12 . Look! Kitty isher homework in her bedroom. ( )AdoBdoingCdoes13 . I have a _. ( )AcapBcat14 . I_my room every day, but now I_. ( )Aclean, am readingBam cleaning, readingCam cleaning, am readingDclean, read15 . -How much is that dress? -_80 yuan.AItsBThey areCIt are16 . He _ a video _ his space travel. ( )Amade, atBmade, aboutCmake, about选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。17 . AdangerBherCsisterDlitter18 . AgreatBreadyCsweaterDheavy19 . AgoBloseCradioDsmoke20 . AlittleBlitterCofficeDsign21 . AaroundBcloudCcousinDouting22 . I play on the beach. ( )A我在沙滩上玩。B我在学校玩23 . They find a sign _ a tree. ( )AatBonCin24 . This machine is very easy to use._ can learn to use it in a very short time.ASomebody BAnybody CNobody DFew people25 . You _ see some bird in the tree.( )AareBcanCcome二、完形填空完形填空。We know a lot about_. They _different_. We _walk _the grass. We should _near the birds cage. The sign “Danger” _we _go into it. In the cinema or other places, we shouldnt_. In the library or reading room, we should read books _.26 . AsignBany signsCsigns27 . AmeanBmeansCmeaning28 . AthingsBthe thingCthing29 . AshouldBcanCcant30 . AinBonCto31 . AtalkBshoutCbe quiet32 . Ais meanBmeanCmeans33 . AshouldntBcanCshould34 . AsmokeBsmokingCto smoke35 . AquietBquietlyCbe quiet三、填空题用所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . I need_ (water) flowers every morning.37 . Its ten past four. The girls _ (play) games.38 . There _ (be) two swings and a slide in our school.39 . Ben would like to make some New Year _ (card) for his teachers.40 . Do you like _ (skate)?41 . 用所给词的适当形式填空25.What _ Mike and Helen _(do) now? They _(have) lunch there.26._ you _(listen) to music? I hear someone is singing.Yes, I _ _(watch) TV.You should _(be) quiet in the hospital. Cant you see the sign “Be quiet” anywhere in the hospital?27.Most(大多数)people _(cannot) talk and read when they were only 10 months old.28._ you _( see) the sign yesterday? Who _(put) it there?29.Where _your uncle _(go) this morning?He _(go) to his factory. He _(make) a lot of signs with his friends there.Which sign _ he _(make)?They all _(make) the same signs: No _(park). There are always a lot of cars around our house.30.Its very late now. You should _(go) home.31.What _ your grandfather often_(do) after supper?He often _(watch) TV.32.The girl _(say) to her bird every day. But the bird_(look) at her.33.The weather became _(rain) in the afternoon.42 . 写出下列单词的-ing 形式。1. play_ 2.collect_ 3.listen_4. dive_ 5.swim_ 6.ride_7.write_ 8.make_ 9.draw_10.take_四、任务型阅读阅读理解。It is Saturday morning. Nancy and Helen are in the square. Suddenly, they see some beautiful flowers. Nancy looks around. There is no one nearby. She quickly walks to the flowers and wants to pick one. But Helen says, “We shouldnt pick the flowers.” Then a keeper comes up to them. The keeper points to the sign on the grass. He says to them, “Cant you see the sign over there, girls? It says, Please keep off the grass.” Nancys and Helens faces are red now.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。43 . Its Sunday today. (_)44 . Nancy and Helen are in the park. (_)45 . There are some flowers in the square. (_)46 . Nancy wants to catch the bird. (_)47 . A keeper comes up to them. (_)五、英汉混合48 . 英汉互译1. 暑假计划_ 2. become strong _3. 我们的梦想_ 4. a healthy diet _5. 好习惯_ 6. from then on _7. 大声地笑_ 8. be full of joy _9. 一个有趣的国家_ 10. come true _六、判断题49 . 判断划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。七、句型转换按要求改写句子。50 . There is a sign on the wall.(改为复数句)There _ some _ on the wall.51 . Lucy is so happy because today is her birthday.(对画线部分提问)_ Lucy so _?52 . It means you cant litter here.(同义句转换)It means “_”.53 . You can eat and drink here.(改为否定句)You _ eat _ drink here.54 . It means “No parking”.(对画线部分提问)_ it _?八、匹配题根据情景,选择合适的句子。A. Lets go home. B. Class is over.C. Hurry up!D. Just a minute, please.E. Im ready.55 . 告诉别人快点时,应说:(_)56 . 请别人稍等一会时,应说:(_)57 . 告诉别人你准备好了时,应说:(_)58 . 想和别人一起回家时,应说:(_)59 . 老师告诉学生下课了时,应说:(_)第 8 页 共 8 页

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