英语四年级下册Unit 2 It's very old 练习卷

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英语四年级下册Unit 2 It's very old 练习卷_第1页
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英语四年级下册Unit 2 Its very old 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its _ the Queens house. ( )ACloseBtoCclose to2 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项。【小题1】old ( ) AhomeBbeautifulCpark【小题2】bike( )AshipBsmallCbig【小题3】tall ( )AbookBLondonCclose【小题4】house ( )AshortBcityCnice【小题5】this( )AandBbutCthat3 . This panda is short, but that one is _. ( )AlongBtallCfat4 . -_ house is it?-It is the Queens house.AwhoBwhoseCwhat5 . -What is_?It is a desk.AitsBtheseCit6 . Is it tall? ( )AYes, it isnt.BNo, it isntCNo, it is.7 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词。(_)1. A.redB.greenC.bird(_)2.A.forB.anC.a(_)3.A.babyB.bananaC.apple(_)4.A.howB.whatC.that(_)5.A.chickB.duckC.apple8 . _lives in the Buckingham Palace. ( )ABeckham(贝克汉姆)BThe president(总统)CThe Queen9 . -_Tower Bridge very famous?( )-Yes,it is.AIsBDoCDoes10 . 我的家很小。( )AMy house is very small.BHis house is very small.二、填空题选词填空。(有多余项)schoolbag tall classroom English book strong clean lights white glasses long1. Look, this is our new11 . . A12 . , four 13 . , many desks and chairs are in it.2. That boy is my friend. He is 14 . and 15 . . He has16 . .选词填空cold hot warm cool T-shirts sweaters coats jackets17 . Its summer. Its _.We wear _ and sunglasses. 18 . Its winter. Its _. We wear _ and gloves. 19 . Its spring. Its _. We wear _.20 . Its autumn. Its _. We wear _.选择合适的词填空,补全句子。21 . I _(win/won) a tennis game last week.22 . There are lots of animals _ (in/on) the farm.23 . How _ (does/do) Linda feel?24 . He _ (loses/lost) his cap. He was _ (sad/happy).25 . I am _ (hungry/thirsty). I want to eat a hamburger.26 . 按要求给下列单词分类ApigBlookCblueDfat E. one F. thank G. monkey H. oldI. white J. ten K. orange L. panda M. touch N. fiveO. hot(1)动词:_(2)形容词:_(3)动物:_(4)颜色:_(5)数字:_三、抄写题27 . 请用手写体抄写下列单词。famous old home beautiful very_四、连词成句28 . 连词成句。1. shouldnt, bed, to, go, late, you (.)_2. well, get, soon, will, you (.)_3. we, shall, do, what (?)_4. help, the, come, to, animals (.)_5. teeth, morning, every, your, brush, evening, and (.)_29 . 连词成句。1. the can book What you in see(?)_2. in box Whats your (?)_3. pen Can you red a see (?) _4. busy(繁忙的) am I boy a (.) _5. that your Is box-pencil (?)_连词成句30 . some, Drink, water, please_.31 . have, I, some, Can, juice_?32 . you, are, Here_.33 . like, bread, Id, eggs, and, some_.34 . some, cake, Have, too_.五、连线题35 . 把A栏的英文节日,与B栏对应的汉语连起来。A B1. Mothers DayA复活节2. Childrens DayB母亲节3. Fathers DayC父亲节4. New Years DayD植树节5. Labour DayE儿童节6. EasterF新年7. Tree planting DayG劳动节第 6 页 共 6 页

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