英语四年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 I'm going to visit London.练习卷

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英语四年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 Im going to visit London.练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Whatsize? ( ) _. ASizefiveBFiveyuanCItischeap2 . Whos that man? ( )_AHes Zhou Jie.BShes Zhou Jie.CShes Amy.3 . The Panda Base is in . ( )ABeijingBGuangzhouCSichuan选出下列选项中不同类的一项。4 . AtrainBflowersCship5 . AlakeBauntCboat6 . AquietBlaughCsmile7 . AMondayBFridayCday8 . 博物馆( )AmuseumBspaceCpark9 . 八、Read and choose. 根据问句选答语。( ) 1. Why do you like summer, Kelly?A. Because I like the snow. It is white and beautiful.B. Because the trees have new leaves and flowers.C. Because I can swim in the sea.( ) 2. Whats the temperature today?A. Its 11 kilometers.B. Its 11 degrees.C. Its 11 meters tall.( ) 3. James, what did you do last Sunday?A. Im going to the park to see the pictures.B. I went to the park to see the pictures.C. I am drawing a picture in the park.( ) 4. How many classes does she have each day?A. Four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.B. There are seven days in a week.C. We have English, math, art, science( ) 5. What would you like for Christmas?A. Im driving a car on the way.B. Id like a new car for Christmas.C. I like to drive a car on the way.10 . What are you doing? ( )_.AWere making a kite.BYes, I do.11 . 选出每组中与众不同的一项: ( )AbedroomBliveCkitchen12 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词。(_)1. A.cowB.horseC.doctor(_)2. A.penB.elevenC.pencil(_)3. A.sixB.thirteenC.horse(_)4. A.sheepB.shipC.pig(_)5. A.brownB.overC.beside13 . We are _ you to the hospital. ( )AwithBtakeCtaking14 . We are going to the zoo _ this month. ( )A/BonCin15 . My uncle is a . He works in a hospital. ( )AteacherBdancerCdoctorDfarmer16 . The girl cried _ when she lost her pen. ( )AhappilyBsadlyCjoyouslyDcuriously17 . -Whatsyour schoolbag? ( ) -Many books.AnearBinCon18 . Where are you going on your holiday? ( ).AIm going to take a trip.BIm going to Shanghai.CIm going by plane.二、填空题用所给动词的正确形式填空。19 . He_(make) a little bed in the house two days ago.20 . Look! The balloons_(fly) away.21 . How long did he_(stay) in space?22 . Tomorrow I _(buy) some fruit for my brother.23 . Yesterday morning our family_(eat) in the restaurant.24 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My fatherme a toy car as my last birthday present. (buy)2. -Are there any on the farm? -Yes, there are some. (goose)3. Osaka is thelargest city in Japan. (two)4. Guangzhou is muchthan other cities around it. (noisy)5. Look! The boy isin the river. Its very dangerous! (swim)25 . 用be going to改写句子。【小题1】Ill play basketball tomorrow._【小题2】Youll take the exam last Sunday._【小题3】Well watch TV._【小题4】Hell go to the zoo tomorrow._26 . 仿照例子写句子。例:A: Tim often walks to school.B: Tim walked to school yesterday.C: Tim is going to walk to school tomorrow.A: Lucy often brings gifts.B:_C:_27 . 用动词的适当形式填空。(10分)Mike_ (like) cooking.They_ (have) the same hobby.My aunt_ (look) after her baby carefully.You always_ (do) your homework well.I_ (be) ill. Im staying in bed.She_ (go) to school from Monday to Friday.Liu Tao_ (do) not like P.E.The child often_ (watch) TV in the evening.Su Hai and Su Yang_ (have) eight lessons this term.What day_(be) it today? Its Sunday.三、排序题28 . Read and put in orderAIll go to Harbin.BMy best friend lives there.COh, I see. Have a good time.DWhere are you going this weekend?EWhy will you go there?顺序: _四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Im Sam. Im going to Beijing next Sunday. Im going to visit my friend Lili there. Were going to walk to the Tianmen. We are going to home by bus, Im going to come back on Monday.29 . Where is Sam going to go next Sunday?_30 . Who is Sam going to visit?_31 . How are they going to the Tiananmen?_32 . How are they going to home?_33 . When is Sam going to come back?_五、汉译英34 . 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。Im _ have a picnic with my friends._ have a picnic with my friends.35 . 根据中文补充句子:我将要去游泳。Im gong to _.六、句型转换36 . Shell go back to the UK this afternoon.(对画线部分提问)_ she do this afternoon?37 . Nancy is going to go swimming.(变为否定句)Nancy _ going to go swimming.38 . They will meet at the bus stop at10:30.(变为一般疑问句)_ meet at the bus stop at 10: 30?七、填内容补全对话39 . Read and write.This Sunday, we _ (be)going to the park with _ (we) parents. Well go _ (swim). Well visit my _ (uncle) house near the park. We will see his new car. Ill go home in the afternoon. I think we will have a good time.八、选内容补全对话40 . Read and choose.AWhat are you going to do there?BMaybe next week.CHow will you go there?DWhere are you going this summer holiday?A: _B: Ill go to Beijing with my parents.A: _B: Ill go there by air.A: _B: Well, well visit the Beijing Zoo and Beijing Museum.A: When will you go back?B: _九、改错41 . Read and correct the wrong word:We will eating in an English restaurant.(_) _A B C42 . 找出错误的一项,并改正。1.Howisyou? A B C _2.Imfine,to.A B C_3.Whatnice you are!A B C_4.What colour areit?A B C _5.Itsaegg.A B C_43 . 下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出来并改正。1.-What is your eraser?A-Its inmy pencil-case.B C(_)改为_2. -I think the giraffe has very tall.A B-Yes. I think so. C(_)改为_3. -Can I use your bike?A-Noquestion.B C(_)改为_4. -What is this in the bag?A B-Oh, open it or have a look.C(_)改为_44 . Read and correct the wrong word:The boys are looking at the kites on the sky.(_)_A B C45 . Read and correct the wrong word:Im have a great time in England.(_) _A B C46 . 找出下列各句中的错误,将序号填在括号内并在横线上改正。( )1. How manyphotoes do you have?A B C( )2. I am going todrawing a picture.A B C( )3.Koko islook atsome flowers.A B C( )4. Thank you forhelp me.A B C( )5. Therewerentsome cars. _ A B C十、仿写句子47 . Read, think and write.Example: Ill go to the park. Im going to the park.1. Ill go to Shanghai._2. Well sing a song._3. Shell visit Australia._4.Shell go to China._5. Ill go to the zoo._48 . 看图,根据提示中的单词写句子。_十一、连线题49 . Read and match.把问句和答句连线。(1) What are you going to do this weekend?ABecause we all like the clear water.(2) Where will you go this weekend?BIm going to eat seafood with my family.(3) How long will you stay at the beach?CWell get there at nine oclock.(4) Why do you like the beach so much?DWell go to the beach.(5) How do you get to the beach? E. We get there by car.(6) When will you get to the beach? F. Well stay there for two hours.50 . 看图连线。Birds can fly.I can sing.Fish can swim.第 12 页 共 12 页

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