英语六年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. 练习卷

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英语六年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. 练习卷_第1页
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英语六年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. 练习卷_第2页
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英语六年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. 练习卷_第3页
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英语六年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题1 . _ (什么颜色) is your mothers hair ?2 . 用所给词的正确形式填空1. Its time_ (go) to bed.2. We are_ (pick) up oranges on the farm.3. There _ (be) some apples on the plates now.4. Look! The boys _ (play) football in the playground.5. My sister_ (have) a toy doll.用所给单词的适当形式填空3 . Its time _( go ) home.4 . How many _( story ) are there in this book?5 . There_( be ) a pen and two rulers on the desk.6 . There _( be ) a lot of orange trees on the farm.7 . Mr Green likes _( skate ) very much.8 . Does your sister _( have ) any hobbies.9 . There is a music room on the_(two)floor.10 . Helen can _(dance)very_(good).11 . How many_(hobby)do you have?12 . My little sister often goes_(swim)with_(I)in summer.13 . Mike is good at _(play)football.14 . Dont _(talk)in the library.15 . _(that)are not legs.Theyre arms.16 . He wants _(buy) a ticket.17 . Where _(be) the ruler and the pen?根据答句写问句。18 . _?I usually go to bed at 9:00 pm.19 . _?Yes, they go for a walk every day.20 . _?I eat lunch at 12:20.21 . _?I play sports after school.22 . _?They often clean the room on Sundays.23 . 选词填空,将序号填到括号中。 How old Youre for How Happy(_)1. _ are you?Im fine, thank you.(_)2. _ are you?Im ten.(_)3. Thank you! _ welcome!(_)4. A red cap _ you. Thank you!(_)5. _ birthday! Thank you!24 . Howmany_(book)canyousee?25 . 用is或are填空。There _ three cups of coffee on the table.There _ many monkeys in the mountain*There _ nothing in the bag.There _ some pencils in the pencil box.There _ a teacher and many students in our classroom.从方框中选择正确的词填空。at worry plays with waved26 . Father left for work and _goodbye.27 . I can do a lot of things_my mobile phone.28 . -When do you go to the bed?-I often go to bed_8:30 p.m.29 . Dont _.Youre right.30 . Lingling often _chess with her father after dinner.Read and choose. 读读,选出正确的单词,补全句子。31 . She gives a gift _ (to/for) Danny.32 . Im making a toy lion for Alice. Her birthday is_. (come / coming)33 . Can he _(paint/paints)?34 . The tree is _. (tall/short)35 . Lets_(to have/have) tomatoes and eggs.36 . 看图回答问题。1. Where are the chairs ?_2. Where is the pencil-box ?_3. Where is the ruler ?_4. Where is the pencil ? _5. Where is the Mocky ? _37 . 按实际情况回答问题。1. Where are your books? _2. Is it eight oclock?_3. Do you have bowls?_二、单词拼写38 . 写出下列动词的过去式。1. take _2. clean _3. close _4. have_5. go _三、任务型阅读读对话,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”.The children are talking about their weekend activities.Mike: Hello, Amy! Whats in your bag? Is it a storybook?Amy: No. Its my picture book. I often draw pictures on the weekend.Mike: John, do you often draw pictures on the weekend, too?John: Yes. I often draw pictures and read books at home on the weekend.Mike: What do you often do on the weekend, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: I often clean my room and wash my clothes on the weekend.Mike: What about you, Sarah?Sarah: I often do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV with my sister. What do you do on the weekend, Mike?Mike: I often play football in the park with my friends. Playing football is so much fun! Lets play football this weekend.Amy, John, Chen Jie& Sarah: Good idea!39 . John often reads books at school. (_)40 . Sarah often watches TV with her sister on the weekend. (_)41 . Mike likes playing football. (_)42 . The children are going to play football this weekend. (_)四、英汉混合43 . 英汉短语互译。1.看一看_2.在照片里_3.climb a tree_4.eat vegetables_5.在树下_6.watch the cat_7.骑马_8.放风筝_9.eat fruit_10.在树上_第 6 页 共 6 页

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