英语五年级下册Unit 1 Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost! 练习卷

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英语五年级下册Unit 1 Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost! 练习卷_第1页
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英语五年级下册Unit 1 Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost! 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、任务型阅读Reading comprehension. (阅读短文, 判断正误, 正确的写“T”, 错误的写“F”。)Mrs Brown has two children. They are Jack and Jill. They are students. Jack is eleven years old. He is tall and strong. He is very clever. And he is very funny. Jill is eleven years old, too. She is very shy. But she is hard-working. She is very helpful at home. Jack and Jill are twin(双胞胎的) brother and sister. Mrs Brown loves her children very much.1 . Jack and Jill are students. (_)2 . Jack is tall and thin. (_)3 . Jack is old and funny. (_)4 . Jill is hard-working and helpful. (_)5 . Jill is clever and funny, too. (_)二、汉译英把下列句子译成英语。6 . 明天我们要去北京旅行(go on a trip)。_7 . 李明正在取票。(get)_8 . Danny跳上了火车。(jump)_9 . 李先生正在寻找Danny。(look for)_10 . 旅途愉快! (nice)_三、选内容补全对话11 . 补全对话A. How much is it? B. Lets go to the clothes shop.C. What about this yellow one? D. Ill take it.E. Can I help you?A. How much is it? B. Lets go to the clothes shop.C. What about this yellow one? D. Ill take it.E. Can I help you?Jenny: I want to buy a new dress. (1) _Tom: OK. Lets go.Clerk: (2) _Jenny: Yes, I want to buy a dress.Jerk: What about this one? Its red. Its beautiful.Jenny: But I dont like red. Yellow is my favourite.Clerk: (3) _Jenny: Oh, its great. I like it. (4) _Clerk: 100 yuan.Jenny: (5) _ Here is the money.Clerk: Heres your dress. Thank you for shopping in our store.四、书面表达12 . 假如现在是星期天的中午,根据图片,用英语介绍你的家庭成员正在干什么。(至少5句话)_第 3 页 共 3 页


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