英语二年级下册UNIT TWO WHAT'S FOR BREAKFAST Lesson 7 练习卷1

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英语二年级下册UNIT TWO WHAT'S FOR BREAKFAST Lesson 7 练习卷1_第1页
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英语二年级下册UNIT TWO WHATS FOR BREAKFAST Lesson 7 练习卷1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找朋友。(_) 1. 巴士 A. milk B. bus C. banana(_) 2. 火腿 A. ham B. pear C. fish(_) 3. 面条 A. cat B.dog C. noodles(_) 4. 爆米花 A. fish B. popcorn C. pencil(_) 5. 肚子 A. banana B. tummy C. chair(_) 6. 吐司 A. apple B. toast C. pear(_) 7.牛肉 A. meat B. beef C. pork(_)8. 晚餐 A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner2 . The cola is _, too.( )AfallBfallsCfalling3 . _ for supper? ( ) We have rice, fish, and vegetables.AwhatBWhichCWhats4 . Its twelve oclock. Its time for.( )AbreakfastBlunchCdinner5 . What _you like for dinner?AwouldBare6 . Bread and butter, which is _?( )AgoodBwellCbetter7 . Have a glass of water, please. ( ) _.ANoBThank youCYes8 . Mum, whats _ breakfast today? ( )AonBofCfor二、情景交际9 . 你想要一些果汁,你该用英语说:AI like some juice.BId like some juice.三、填内容补全对话看图补全对话。10 . A: Is he a policeman?B: _. Hes a _.11 . A: _?B: Shes a policewoman.12 . A: Whats she?B: _.四、连词成句13 . 连词成句1. white, where, my, are, skirts (?) _2. us, fly, a, let, kite (.) _3. small, and, are, nose, her, mouth (.) _4. umbrella, much, your, is, how (?) _5. some, cup, Id, of, cakes, and, tea, like, a(.) _五、连线题14 . Read and match.(读一读,将对应的动作与职业连线。)1. singera. work at sea2. writerb. sing a song3. teacherc. write stories4. coachd. teach English5. fishermane. clean the street6. cleanerf. work in a gym第 4 页 共 4 页

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